Collaboration Organization
On this page you will find information about the organization of the Rubin Observatory LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC).
- Member Lists
- Management Team
- Working Groups, Topical Teams, and Task Forces
- Collaboration Council (CC)
- Other internal collaboration structures and roles
- Operations committees and personnel
- Liaisons
Member Lists
Management Team
The DESC Management Team, which comprises the Spokesperson, Deputy Spokesperson, the Coordinators, and Operations Manager, is responsible for managing the collaboration’s scientific activities to maximize the scientific return on the funding agencies’ investment in LSST, focusing on dark energy (the DESC’s core mission) and, more broadly, the fundamental physics of the Universe with LSST data. The Management Team is defined in the LSST DESC Governance Plan.
Inquiries of the DESC Spokesperson team (Spokesperson and Deputy Spokesperson) can be sent to: lsst-desc-spokesperson [at]
- Spokesperson: Renée Hložek (University of Toronto)
- Deputy Spokesperson: Tesla Jeltema (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Analysis Coordinator: Gautham Narayan (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
- Deputy Analysis Coordinator, static probes: Elisa Chisari (Utrecht University)
- Deputy Analysis Coordinator, transients: Rick Kessler (KICP)
- Computing and Simulations Coordinator: Nacho Sevilla (CIEMAT-Fisica de Particulas)
- Deputy Computing and Simulations Coordinator: Matt Becker (ANL)
- Technical Coordinator: Keith Bechtol (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Deputy Technical Coordinator: Anja von der Linden (Stony Brook)
- Operations Manager: Seth Digel (SLAC)
- Deputy Operations Managers: Eric Aubourg (APC/IN2P3), Heather Kelly (SLAC)
Spokesperson team emerita: Katrin Heitmann (ANL), Renée Hložek (Toronto, deputy), Rachel Mandelbaum (CMU), Pat Burchat (Stanford, deputy), Phil Marshall (SLAC), Eric Gawiser (Rutgers, deputy), Rachel Bean (Cornell), Jeff Newman (Pitt, deputy), Bhuvnesh Jain (Penn), Steve Kahn (SLAC), Gregory Dubois-Felsmann (IPAC, deputy)
Working Groups, Topical Teams, and Task Forces
Working groups are the main organizational structure within DESC. The following diagram illustrates the overall working group structure, while the Coordinators and co-conveners for the working groups are listed below.
Technical Working Groups
Coordinator: Keith Bechtol (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
- Sensor Anomalies (SAWG): Merlin Fisher-Levine (Rubin Obs.), Claire Juramy (LPNHE/IN2P3)
- Pixels to Light Curves (PLC): Martin Millon (Stanford), Michael Wood-Vasey (Pittsburgh)
- Pixels to Objects (PO): Claire-Alice Hébert (BNL), Tianqing Zhang (Pittsburgh)
Computing and Simulations Working Groups
Coordinator: Nacho Sevilla (CIEMAT-Fisica de Particulas)
- Cosmological and Survey Simulations (CSS): Bob Armstrong (LLNL), Andrew Hearin (ANL)
- Computing (CO): Rob Knop (LBNL), Nacho Sevilla (CIEMAT-Fisica de Particulas), Matthew Becker (ANL)
- Science Release and Validation (SRV): Patricia Larsen (ANL), Yao-Yuan Mao (Utah)
Analysis Working Groups
Coordinator: Gautham Narayan (UIUC)
- Weak Lensing & Large Scale Structure (WLSS): Cyrille Doux (LPSC/IN2P3), Carlos García-García (Oxford), Boris Leistedt (Imperial College London)
- Time Domain (TD): Dillon Brout (Boston University), Maria Vincenzi (Oxford)
- Clusters (CL): Marina Ricci (APC/IN2P3), Tae-hyeon Shin (Stony Brook), Rance Solomon (LAPP/IN2P3)
- Modeling and Combined Probes (MCP): Christos Georgiou (IFAE) and Georgios Valogiannis (Chicago)
- Photometric Redshifts (PZ): Sam Schmidt (University of California, Davis), Bryce Kalmbach (SLAC)
- Survey Coordination (SC): Eric Gawiser (Rutgers), Jeff Newman (Pittsburgh)
- Dark Matter (DKM): Ethan Nadler (Carnegie Observatories), Nora Shipp (University of Washington)
Topical Teams
Topical teams are informally-defined groups that capture focused activity beyond the scope of a single project, within or across DESC working groups. Teams that have been broadly advertised within DESC are listed here:
- Alerts team co-led by Alex Kim (LBNL), Robert Knop (LBNL)
- Bayesian Pipelines team co-led by François Lanusse (AIM/INSU), Michael Schneider (Livermore)
- Beyond wCDM team co-led by Agnès Ferté (SLAC), Carola Zanoletti (Newcastle)
- Blending Toolkit team co-led by Ismael Mendoza (Michigan), Thomas Sainrat (APC-Paris Diderot)
- Blind Analysis team led by Jonathan Blazek (Northeastern)
- Cluster Weak Lensing Mass Modeling team co-led by Michel Aguena (APC/IN2P3), Marina Ricci (APC/IN2P3)
- Core Cosmology Library (CCL) team led by David Alonso (Oxford)
- Forecasting team co-led by Heather Prince (Rutgers), Paul Rogozenski (Arizona), Nikolina Šarčević (Newcastle)
- Higher Order Statistics (HOS) team co-led by Daniela Grandón (Leiden), Joachim Harnois-Déraps (Newcastle)
- imSim team led by Chris Walter (Duke)
- Intrinsic Alignments team co-led by Avijit Bera (UT Dallas), Simon Samuroff (Northeastern)
- Lyman Break Galaxies Team co-led by John Franklin Crenshaw (University of Washington) and Tanveer Karim (University of Toronto)
- RAIL team co-led by Qianjun Hang (UCL) and Tianqing Zhang (Pittsburgh)
- Strong Lensing team co-led by Nikki Arendse (Stockholm), Suhail Dhawan (Cambridge), Anowar Shajib (Chicago)
- Machine Learning for Transient Science team co-led by Alex Gagliano (MIT), Benjamin Remy (LAPP/IN2P3)
- TJPCov team co-led by Robert Reischke (AIfA Bonn), Ryo Terasawa (Kavli IPMU)
- DESC-DESI coordination team co-led by Alexandra Amon (Princeton) and Joseph DeRose (LBNL)
Task Forces
- Commissioning (COM): Chris Walter (Duke)
- Early Science (ES): Eric Gawiser (Rutgers)
Collaboration Council (CC)
As defined in the Governance Plan, the Collaboration Council represents the Full Members of the Collaboration, facilitates discussion of collaboration-wide issues, and has overall responsibility for LSST DESC policies and procedures.
Council members are elected for 2-year terms, with ten new members elected each year. Their current year is given in parentheses after their institution. The CC elects its own two co-chairs, each year.
- Co-Chair: HyeYun Park (Duke, 1)
- Co-Chair: Eske Pedersen (Harvard, 2)
- Michel Aguena (APC/IN2P3, 2)
- Alexandra Amon (Princeton, 2)
- Simon Birrer (Stony Brook, 2)
- Bastien Carreres (Duke, 1)
- Scott Dodelson (Chicago/Fermilab, 1)
- Katrin Heitmann (ANL, 2)
- Mike Jarvis (Penn, 1)
- Claire Juramy-Gilles (LPNHE/IN2P3, 2)
- Irene Moskowitz (Rutgers, 1)
- Jeremy Neveu (LPNHE/IN2P3, 2)
- Mariana Penna-Lima (UnB - Brasília/LIneA, 2)
- Annika Peter (Ohio State University, 2)
- Bruno Sánchez (CPPM, 2)
- Javier Sanchez (STScI, 1)
- Michael Strauss (Princeton, 1)
- Luca Tortorelli (LMU-Munich, 1)
- Sandro Dias Pinto Vitenti (UEL-LIneA, 1)
- Yuanyuan Zhang (NOIRLab, 1)
Other internal collaboration structures and roles
Advisory Board
As defined in the Governance Plan, the members of the Advisory Board provide advice to and work with the management team to help define policy issues as they arise.
- Chair: Pierre Antilogus (LPNHE/IN2P3)
- Erminia Calabrese (Cardiff)
- Jim Chiang (SLAC)
- Josh Frieman (Chicago)
- Katrin Heitmann (ANL)
Data Facility Committee
Advises the Management Team on the development of the DESC Computing model, including data access, data processing at scale, data formats, interaction with the Rubin Science Platform, and available resources at the data facilities.
- Co-Chair: Nacho Sevilla (CIEMAT-Fisica de Particulas)
- Co-Chair: Matt Becker (ANL)
- Debbie Bard (NERSC)
- George Beckett (Edinburgh, UK representative)
- Dominique Boutigny (LAPP/IN2P3, French representative)
- Richard Dubois (SLAC, US representative)
- Heather Kelly (SLAC, observer)
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee
As described in the Governance Plan, the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee is charged by the Collaboration Council to proactively ensure that the collaboration is fostering an inclusive environment while promoting equity and diversity within the collaboration. The full charge, maintained by the Collaboration Council, can be found here.
Junior DESC Organization (JuDO)
JuDO works to represent and advance the interests of people in the DESC who have non-tenured, non-tenure-track, or equivalent non-permanent positions.
- Co-leads: Lucie Baumont (CEA), Radhakrishnan Srinivasan (Stony Brook)
Meetings Committee
The Meetings Committee is convened by the Spokesperson to organize collaboration meetings and hack/sprint weeks. In addition to the members listed below, the meetings committee also includes temporary members from organizing committees for recent and upcoming meetings, on a rotating basis.
- Co-Chair: Jonathan Blazek (Northeastern)
- Co-Chair: Andrew Hearin (ANL)
- Arun Kannawadi (Hack/Sprint Co-Coordinator, Duke)
- Erwin Lau (Hack/Sprint Co-Coordinator, Harvard-Smithsonian CfA)
- Joanne Bogart (Remote Participation Coordinator, SLAC)
- Renée Hložek (ex officio, University of Toronto)
Membership Committee
As outlined in the Governance Plan, the Membership Committee implements the review of applications for new Members and Full Members, and for new Builders, as described in the Membership Policy and Builder Status Policy, respectively.
- Co-Chair: Alexandre Boucaud (APC/IN2P3)
- Co-Chair: HyeYun Park (Duke)
- Mi Dai (Pittsburgh)
- Christos Georgiou (IFAE)
- Heather Kelly (SLAC)
- Annika Peter (Ohio State University)
- Luca Tortorelli (LMU-Munich)
- Sandro Dias Pinto Vitenti (UEL-LIneA)
Mentoring Committee
The Mentoring Committee supports the mentoring of junior scientists in DESC, providing mentoring guidance and matching mentors and mentees.
- Co-Chair: Tesla Jeltema (UCSC)
- Co-Chair: Mustapha Ishak (UT Dallas)
- Ami Choi (NASA GSFC)
- Mariano Dominguez (IATE)
- Mandeep Gill (SLAC)
- Renée Hložek (University of Toronto)
- Akhtar Mahmood (Bellarmine)
- Daniel Perrefort (Pittsburgh)
- Muhammad Saleem (Bellarmine)
- Yuanyuan Zhang (NOIRLab)
- Conghao Zhou (UCSC)
As defined in the LSST DESC Professional Conduct Policies, the role of the Ombudspersons is to provide informal, confidential, nonjudgmental, impartial, and independent advice and arrange mediation for DESC members for the purposes of dispute resolution.
- Cecile Roucelle (APC/IN2P3)
- Ian Dell’Antonio (Brown)
Publication Board
As outlined in the Governance Plan, the Publication Board oversees the logistics of the publication process for all DESC publications as outlined in the Publication Policy.
- Publication Manager: Douglas Clowe (Ohio U.)
- Deputy Publication Manager: Alex Drlica-Wagner (Fermilab/Chicago)
- Deputy Publication Manager: Lluis Galbany (ICE-CSIC Barcelona)
- Camille Avestruz (Michigan)
- Thibault Guillemin (LAPP/IN2P3)
- Alex Malz (CMU)
- Andrina Nicola (AIfA Bonn)
- Rogerio Rosenfeld (UNESP)
- Masao Sako (Penn)
- Gautham Narayan (UIUC, ex-officio)
Speakers Bureau
As outlined in the Governance Plan, the Speakers Bureau is intended to be a resource to DESC members, adding value to presentations by Collaboration members and helping to improve the standing of the entire Collaboration. The specific roles and duties of the Speakers Bureau are defined in the Speakers Bureau Policy. The DESC Speakers Bureau welcomes requests from conference organizers for invited talks on behalf of the collaboration. More information how to request a speaker and details to provide in a request can be found here and the Speakers Bureau can be reached by email for any questions at
- Co-Chair: Dominique Fouchez (CPPM)
- Co-Chair: Mariana Penna-Lima (Universidade de Brasília/LIneA)
- David Bacon (University of Portsmouth)
- James Buchanan (LLNL)
- Chihway Chang (Chicago/KICP)
- Elisabeth Krause (University of Arizona)
- Constantin Payerne (CEA)
- Eske Pedersen (Harvard University)
- Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (University of New Hampshire)
- Marcelle Soares-Santos (Zurich)
Spokesperson Succession Committee
The Spokesperson Succession Committee (SSC) works to identify and present a slate of candidates to the collaboration for spokesperson election. The committee also helps interested DESC members better understand the Spokesperson role and prepare a candidacy.
- Chair: Seth Digel (SLAC)
- Jim Chiang (SLAC)
- Eric Gawiser (Rutgers)
- Renée Hložek (ex officio, University of Toronto)
- Jérémy Neveu (LPNHE/IN2P3)
- Mariana Penna-Lima (UnB - Brasília/LIneA)
- Judit Prat (Nordita)
- Steve Ritz (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Mark Sullivan (Southampton)
Operations committees and personnel
International Resources Committee
The purpose of DESC’s International Resources Committee (IRC) is to coordinate and formalize operations contributions from across DESC’s international partners.
- Chair: David MacFarlane (SLAC)
- DOE (US): Kathy Turner
- IN2P3 (France): Vincent Poireau
- STFC (UK): George Madden
Operations Committee
As mentioned in the Governance Plan and defined in more detail in the Operations Management Plan, the LSST DESC Operations Committee is responsible for determining and prioritizing LSST DESC’s immediate and future operations needs, recommending ways to implement the prioritized operations needs, and assessing the progress and performance of funded operations activities. It is convened by, and reports to, the DESC Spokesperson.
- Operations Manager: Seth Digel (SLAC, Chair)
- IN2P3 representative: Céline Combet (LPSC/IN2P3)
- UK representative: David Alonso (Oxford)
- US university representatives: Mustapha Ishak (UT Dallas), Michael Troxel (Duke)
- US national lab representative: Alex Drlica-Wagner (Fermilab)
- Ex officio:
- Deputy Spokesperson: Tesla Jeltema
- Analysis Coordinator: Gautham Narayan
- Computing and Simulations Coordinator: Nacho Sevilla
- Technical Coordinator: Keith Bechtol
- Observing: Eric Aubourg, Renée Hložek, Heather Kelly
Operations Staff
The DESC Pipeline Scientists (PS) and Computing Infrastructure personnel (CI) are committed to development of the collaboration’s mission-critical software and datasets.
- David Adams (BNL) - CI
- Michel Aguena (LAPP/IN2P3) - PS
- Felipe Andrade-Oliveira (Michigan) - PS
- Bob Armstrong (LLNL) - PS
- Matt Becker (ANL) - PS
- Joanne Bogart (SLAC) - CI
- James Buchanan (LLNL) - PS
- Elizabeth Buckley-Geer (FNAL) - PS
- Eric Charles (SLAC) - PS
- Jim Chiang (SLAC) - CI
- Ben Clifford (ANL) - CI
- Tom Glanzman (SLAC) - CI
- Philippe Gris (LPC/IN2P3) - PS
- Mike Jarvis (Penn) - PS
- Arun Kannawadi (Duke) - PS
- Heather Kelly (SLAC) - CI
- Rick Kessler (Chicago) - PS
- Narayan Khadka (Stony Brook) - PS
- Robert Knop (LBNL) - PS
- Patricia Larsen (ANL) - CI
- Huan Lin (FNAL) - PS
- Arthur Loureiro (OKC) - PS
- William Lucas (Edinburgh) - CI
- Josh Meyers (SLAC) - PS
- Marc Paterno (FNAL) - PS
- James Perry (Edinburgh) - CI
- Eli Rykoff (SLAC) - PS
- Masao Sako (Penn) - PS
- Javier Sanchez (STScI) - PS
- Sam Schmidt (UC Davis) - PS
- Nacho Sevilla (CIEMAT) - CI
- Erin Sheldon (BNL) - PS
- Tomomi Sunayama (Arizona) - PS
- Sandro Dias Pinto Vitenti (UEL-LIneA) - PS
- Yuanyuan Zhang (NOIRLab) - PS
- Joe Zuntz (Edinburgh) - PS
A set of active DESC members and external project leaders have agreed to serve as liaisons for DESC with key resources and precursor and concurrent surveys.
Rubin Observatory Project and Facility Operations
- Director: Zeljko Ivezic (UW/Rubin Obs.)
- Chief Scientist: Tony Tyson (U.C. Davis)
- Data Management: Leanne Guy (Rubin Obs.), Robert Lupton (Princeton), Wil O’Mullane (Rubin Obs.)
- Observing Strategy: Lynne Jones (U Washington)
- Systems Integration and Commissioning: Chuck Claver (Rubin Obs.), Sandrine Thomas (Rubin Obs.)
- Education & Public Outreach: Lauren Corlies (Rubin Obs.)
- Facility Operations: Phil Marshall (SLAC/Rubin Obs.)
- Survey Cadence Optimization Committee: Saurabh Jha (Rutgers), Rachel Mandelbaum (CMU), Stephen Smartt (Oxford) (liaisons appointed by SCOC leadership)
High-performance computing resources
- ANL: Salman Habib (ANL)
- IN2P3: Dominique Boutigny (LAPP/IN2P3)
- NERSC: Debbie Bard (LBNL)
- UK computing: George Beckett (Edinburgh)
Other projects
- CMB-S4: David Alonso (Oxford)
- DESI: Jeff Newman (Pittsburgh)
- Euclid: Jason Rhodes (JPL)
- HSC: Michael Strauss (Princeton)
- PFS: Michael Strauss (Princeton)
- Roman: Julie McEnery (Goddard Space Flight Center)
- Simons Observatory: David Alonso (Oxford)
- 4MOST/TiDES: Mark Sullivan (Southampton)