clmm.constants module
Provide a consistent set of constants to use through CLMM
- class clmm.constants.Constants(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
A set of constants for consistency throughout the code and dependencies.
- CLIGHT = 299792458.0
Speed of light (m/s)
Source: CODATA 2018
- CLIGHT_KMS = 299792.458
Speed of light (km/s)
Source: CODATA 2018
- GNEWT = 6.6743e-11
Newton's constant (m^3/kg/s^2)
Source: CODATA 2018
- GNEWT_SOLAR_MASS = 1.3271244e+20
G x Solar mass (m^3/s^2)
Source: IAU 2015
- PC_TO_METER = 3.085677581491367e+16
parsec to meter (m)
Source: IAU 2015
- SOLAR_MASS = 1.988409870698051e+30
Solar mass (kg)
Source: IAU 2015/CODATA 2018