clmm.theory.generic module
@file Model independent theory functions
- clmm.theory.generic.compute_magnification_bias_from_magnification(magnification, alpha)[source]
Computes magnification bias from magnification \(\mu\) and slope parameter \(\alpha\) as :
\[\mu^{\alpha - 1}\]The alpha parameter depends on the source sample and is computed as the slope of the cummulative numer counts at a given magnitude:
\[\alpha \equiv \alpha(f) = - \frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm d \log{f}} \log{n_0(>f)}\]or,
\[\alpha \equiv \alpha(m) = 2.5 \frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm d m} \log{n_0(<m)}\]see e.g. Bartelmann & Schneider 2001; Umetsu 2020
- Parameters:
magnification (array_like) -- Magnification
alpha (array like) -- Source cummulative number density slope
- Returns:
magnification bias -- magnification bias
- Return type:
- clmm.theory.generic.compute_profile_mass_in_radius(r3d, redshift, cosmo, mdelta, cdelta, massdef='mean', delta_mdef=200, halo_profile_model='nfw', alpha=None)[source]
Computes the mass inside a given radius of the profile. The mass is calculated as
\[M(<\text{r3d}) = M_{\Delta}\; \frac{f\left(\frac{\text{r3d}}{r_{\Delta}/c_{\Delta}}\right)}{f(c_{\Delta})},\]where \(f(x)\) for the different models are
\[\quad \ln(1+x)-\frac{x}{1+x}\]Einasto: (\(\gamma\) is the lower incomplete gamma function)
\[\gamma(\frac{3}{\alpha}, \frac{2}{\alpha}x^{\alpha})\]Hernquist:
\[\left(\frac{x}{1+x}\right)^2\]- Parameters:
r3d (array_like, float) -- Radial position from the cluster center in \(M\!pc\).
refshift (float) -- Redshift of the cluster
mdelta (float) -- Mass of the profile in units of \(M_\odot\)
cdelta (float) -- Concentration of the profile.
massdef (str, None) -- Profile mass definition ("mean", "critical", "virial").
delta_mdef (int, None) -- Mass overdensity definition.
halo_profile_model (str) -- Profile model parameterization ("nfw", "einasto", "hernquist").
alpha (float, None) -- Einasto slope, required when halo_profile_model='einasto'.
- Returns:
Mass in units of \(M_\odot\)
- Return type:
array_like, float
- clmm.theory.generic.compute_rdelta(mdelta, redshift, cosmo, massdef='mean', delta_mdef=200)[source]
Computes the radius for mdelta
\[r_\Delta=\left(\frac{3 M_\Delta}{4 \pi \Delta \rho_{bkg}(z)}\right)^{1/3}\]- Parameters:
mdelta (float) -- Mass in units of \(M_\odot\)
redshift (float) -- Redshift of the cluster
cosmo (clmm.Cosmology) -- Cosmology object
massdef (str, None) -- Profile mass definition ("mean", "critical", "virial").
delta_mdef (int, None) -- Mass overdensity definition.
- Returns:
Radius in \(M\!pc\).
- Return type:
- clmm.theory.generic.compute_reduced_shear_from_convergence(shear, convergence)[source]
Calculates reduced shear from shear and convergence
- Parameters:
shear (array_like, float) -- Shear
convergence (array_like, float) -- Convergence
- Returns:
g -- Reduced shear
- Return type:
array_like, float
- clmm.theory.generic.convert_profile_mass_concentration(mdelta, cdelta, redshift, cosmo, massdef, delta_mdef, halo_profile_model, massdef2=None, delta_mdef2=None, halo_profile_model2=None, alpha=None, alpha2=None)[source]
- Parameters:
mdelta (float) -- Mass of the profile in units of \(M_\odot\)
cdelta (float) -- Concentration of the profile.
refshift (float) -- Redshift of the cluster
cosmo (clmm.Cosmology) -- Cosmology object
massdef (str, None) -- Input profile mass definition ("mean", "critical", "virial").
delta_mdef (int, None) -- Input mass overdensity definition.
halo_profile_model (str, None) -- Input profile model parameterization ("nfw", "einasto", "hernquist").
massdef2 (str, None) -- Profile mass definition to convert to ("mean", "critical", "virial"). If None, massdef2=massdef.
delta_mdef2 (int, None) -- Mass overdensity definition to convert to. If None, delta_mdef2=delta_mdef.
halo_profile_model2 (str, None) -- Profile model parameterization to convert to ("nfw", "einasto", "hernquist"). If None, halo_profile_model2=halo_profile_model.
alpha (float, None) -- Input Einasto slope when halo_profile_model='einasto'.
alpha2 (float, None) -- Einasto slope to convert to when halo_profile_model='einasto'. If None, alpha2=alpha.
- Returns:
HaloProfile object
- Return type: