clmm.cosmology.parent_class module
@file CLMMCosmology abstract class
- class clmm.cosmology.parent_class.CLMMCosmology(validate_input=True, **kwargs)[source]
Cosmology object superclass for supporting multiple back-end cosmology objects
- Variables:
backend (str) -- Name of back-end used
be_cosmo (cosmology library) -- Cosmology library used in the back-end
validate_input (bool) -- Validade each input argument
additional_config (dict) -- Dictionary with additional (implicit) config that will be used by the class.
- eval_da(z)[source]
Computes the angular diameter distance between 0.0 and z
\[d_a(z) = \frac{c}{H_0}\frac{1}{1+z}\int_{0}^{z}\frac{dz'}{E(z')}.\]- Parameters:
z (float, array_like) -- Redshift
- Returns:
Angular diameter distance in units \(M\!pc\)
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
- eval_da_a1a2(a1, a2=1.0)[source]
This is a function to calculate the angular diameter distance between two scale factors.
\[d_a(a1, a2) = \frac{c}{H_0}a2\int_{a2}^{a1}\frac{da'}{a'^2E(a')}\]If only a1 is specified, this function returns the angular diameter distance from a=1 to a1. If both a1 and a2 are specified, this function returns the angular diameter distance between a1 and a2.
\[d_a(a) = \frac{c}{H_0}a\int_{a}^{1}\frac{da'}{a'^2E(a')}\]- Parameters:
a1 (float, array_like) -- Scale factor
a2 (float, array_like, optional) -- Scale factor
- Returns:
Angular diameter distance in units \(M\!pc\)
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
- eval_da_z1z2(z1, z2)[source]
Computes the angular diameter distance between z1 and z2
\[d_a(z1, z2) = \frac{c}{H_0}\frac{1}{1+z2}\int_{z1}^{z2}\frac{dz'}{E(z')}.\]- Parameters:
z1 (float, array_like) -- Redshift
z2 (float, array_like) -- Redshift
- Returns:
Angular diameter distance in units \(M\!pc\)
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
np.nan is returned for z1>z2.
- eval_linear_matter_powerspectrum(k_vals, redshift)[source]
Computes the linear matter power spectrum
- Parameters:
k_vals (float, array_like) -- Wavenumber k [math:Mpc^{-1}] values to compute the power spectrum.
redshift (float) -- Redshift to get the power spectrum.
- Returns:
Linear matter spectrum in units of math:Mpc^{3}
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
- eval_sigma_crit(z_len, z_src)[source]
Computes the critical surface density
- Parameters:
z_len (float) -- Lens redshift
z_src (float, array_like) -- Background source galaxy redshift(s)
- Returns:
Cosmology-dependent critical surface density in units of \(M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}\)
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
np.inf is returned for z_src<z_len.
- get_E2(z)[source]
Gets the value of the hubble parameter (normalized at 0)
\[E^2(z) = \frac{H(z)^{2}}{H_{0}^{2}}.\]- Parameters:
z (float) -- Redshift.
- Returns:
Hubble parameter -- \(H(z)^{2}/H_{0}^{2}\).
- Return type:
Need to decide if non-relativist neutrinos will contribute here.
- get_E2Omega_m(z)[source]
Gets the value of the dimensionless matter density times the Hubble parameter squared (normalized at 0)
\[\Omega_m(z) = \frac{\rho_m(z)}{\rho_\text{crit}(z)}\frac{H(z)^{2}}{H_{0}^{2}}.\]- Parameters:
z (float, array_like) -- Redshift
- Returns:
Omega_m -- Dimensionless matter density, \(\Omega_m(z)\times H(z)^{2}/H_{0}^{2}\)
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
Need to decide if non-relativist neutrinos will contribute here.
- get_Omega_m(z)[source]
Gets the value of the dimensionless matter density
\[\Omega_m(z) = \frac{\rho_m(z)}{\rho_\text{crit}(z)}.\]- Parameters:
z (float, array_like) -- Redshift
- Returns:
Omega_m -- Dimensionless matter density, \(\Omega_m(z)\)
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
Need to decide if non-relativist neutrinos will contribute here.
- get_a_from_z(z)[source]
Convert redshift to scale factor
- Parameters:
z (float, array_like) -- Redshift
- Returns:
a -- Scale factor
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
- get_rho_c(z)[source]
Gets physical critical density at a given redshift.
- Parameters:
z (float) -- Redshift.
- Returns:
Critical density \(M_\odot\ Mpc^{-3}\).
- Return type:
- get_rho_m(z)[source]
Gets physical matter density at a given redshift.
- Parameters:
z (float, array_like) -- Redshift
- Returns:
Matter density \(M_\odot\ Mpc^{-3}\)
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
- get_z_from_a(a)[source]
Convert scale factor to redshift
- Parameters:
a (float, array_like) -- Scale factor
- Returns:
z -- Redshift
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
- init_from_params(H0=67.66, Omega_b0=0.049, Omega_dm0=0.262, Omega_k0=0.0)[source]
Set the cosmology from parameters
- Parameters:
H0 (float) -- Hubble parameter.
Omega_b0 (float) -- Mass density of baryons today.
Omega_dm0 (float) -- Mass density of dark matter only (no baryons) today.
Omega_k0 (float) -- Mass density of curvature today.
- mpc2rad(dist1, redshift)[source]
Convert between radians and Mpc using the small angle approximation and \(d = D_A \theta\).
- Parameters:
dist1 (float, array_like) -- Input distances in Mpc
redshift (float) -- Redshift used to convert between angular and physical units
- Returns:
dist2 -- Distances in radians
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray
- rad2mpc(dist1, redshift)[source]
Convert between radians and Mpc using the small angle approximation and \(d = D_A \theta\).
- Parameters:
dist1 (float, array_like) -- Input distances in radians
redshift (float) -- Redshift used to convert between angular and physical units
- Returns:
dist2 -- Distances in Mpc
- Return type:
float, numpy.ndarray