clmm.utils.validation module

General utility functions that are used in multiple modules

clmm.utils.validation.arguments_consistency(arguments, names=None, prefix='')[source]

Make sure all arguments have the same length (or are scalars)

  • arguments (list, arrays, tuple) -- Group of arguments to be checked

  • names (list, tuple, None, optional) -- Names for each array. Default: None

  • prefix (str, optional) -- Customized prefix for error message. Default: ''


Group of arguments, converted to numpy arrays if they have length

Return type:

list, arrays, tuple

clmm.utils.validation.validate_argument(loc, argname, valid_type, none_ok=False, argmin=None, argmax=None, eqmin=False, eqmax=False, shape=None)[source]

Validate argument type and raise errors.

  • loc (dict) -- Dictionary with all input arguments. Should be locals().

  • argname (str) -- Name of argument to be tested.

  • valid_type (str, type) --

    Valid types for argument, options are object types, list/tuple of types, or:

    • 'int_array' - interger, interger array

    • 'float_array' - float, float array

  • none_ok (bool, optional) -- If True, accepts None as a valid type. Default: False

  • argmin (int, float, None, optional) -- Minimum value allowed. Default: None

  • argmax (int, float, None, optional) -- Maximum value allowed. Default: None

  • eqmin (bool, optional) -- If True, accepts min(arg)==argmin. Default: False

  • eqmax (bool, optional) -- If True, accepts max(arg)==argmax. Default: False

  • shape (tuple of ints, None, optional) -- Shape of object allowed. Default: None