clmm.plotting package
A collection of scripts that can be used to plot the various quantities that CLMM models.
- clmm.plotting.plot_profiles(rbins, tangential_component, tangential_component_error, cross_component, cross_component_error, r_units=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', tangential_component_label='Tangential component', cross_component_label='Cross component')[source]
Plot shear profiles
- Parameters:
rbins (array_like) -- The centers of the radial bins that was used to compute the shears.
tangential_component (array_like) -- The tangential component at the radii of rbins
tangential_component_error (array_like) -- The uncertainty in the tangential component
cross_component (array_like) -- The cross component at the radii of rbins
cross_component_error (array_like) -- The uncertainty in the cross component
r_units (str) -- Units of rbins for x-axis label
xscale -- matplotlib.pyplot.xscale parameter to set x-axis scale (e.g. to logarithmic axis)
yscale -- matplotlib.pyplot.yscale parameter to set y-axis scale (e.g. to logarithmic axis)
- Returns:
fig -- The matplotlib figure object that has been plotted to.
axes -- The matplotlib axes object that has been plotted to.