clmm.gcdata module
Define the custom data type
- class clmm.gcdata.GCData(*args, **kwargs)[source]
GCData: A data objetc for gcdata. Right now it behaves as an astropy table, with the following modifications: __getitem__ is case independent; The attribute .meta['cosmo'] is protected and can only be changed via update_cosmo or update_cosmo_ext_valid methods;
- Parameters:
meta (dict) -- Dictionary with metadata for this object
tables (Same as astropy) --
- get_pzpdfs()[source]
Get pzbins and pzpdfs of galaxies
- Returns:
pzbins (array) -- zbins of PDF. 1D if shared_bins, zbins of each object in data if individual_bins.
pzpdfs (array) -- PDF of each object in data
- has_pzpdfs()[source]
Get pzbins and pzpdfs of galaxies
- Returns:
pzbins (array) -- zbins of each object in data
pzpdfs (array) -- PDF of each object in data
- update_cosmo(cosmo, overwrite=False)[source]
Updates cosmo metadata if not present
- Parameters:
cosmo (clmm.Cosmology) -- Cosmology
overwrite (bool) -- Overwrites the current cosmo metadata. If false raises Error when cosmologies are different.
- Return type:
- update_cosmo_ext_valid(gcdata, cosmo, overwrite=False)[source]
Updates cosmo metadata if the same as in gcdata
- Parameters:
gcdata (GCData) -- Table to check if same cosmology
cosmo (clmm.Cosmology) -- Cosmology
overwrite (bool) -- Overwrites the current cosmo metadata. If false raises Error when cosmologies are different.
- Return type:
- update_info_ext_valid(key, gcdata, ext_value, overwrite=False)[source]
Updates cosmo metadata if the same as in gcdata
- Parameters:
key (str) -- Name of key to compare and update.
gcdata (GCData) -- Table to check if same cosmology.
ext_value -- Value to be compared to.
overwrite (bool) -- Overwrites the current metadata. If false raises Error when values are different.
- Return type: