Source code for clmm.gcdata

Define the custom data type
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from astropy.table import Table as APtable
import numpy as np

[docs] class GCMetaData(OrderedDict): r"""Object to store metadata, it always has a cosmo key with protective changes Attributes ---------- protected: bool Protect cosmo key OrderedDict attributes """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): OrderedDict.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) if "cosmo" not in self: OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, "cosmo", None) def __setitem__(self, item, value): if item == "cosmo" and self.get("cosmo", None): raise ValueError( "cosmo must be changed via update_cosmo or update_cosmo_ext_valid method" ) OrderedDict.__setitem__(self, item, value) def __getitem__(self, item): """ Make class accept all letter casings """ if isinstance(item, str): item = {n.lower(): n for n in self.keys()}[item.lower()] out = OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, item) return out
[docs] class GCData(APtable): """ GCData: A data objetc for gcdata. Right now it behaves as an astropy table, with the following modifications: `__getitem__` is case independent; The attribute .meta['cosmo'] is protected and can only be changed via update_cosmo or update_cosmo_ext_valid methods; Parameters ---------- meta: dict Dictionary with metadata for this object Same as astropy tables """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- *args, **kwargs: Same used for astropy tables """ APtable.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) metakwargs = kwargs["meta"] if "meta" in kwargs else {} metakwargs = {} if metakwargs is None else metakwargs self.meta = GCMetaData(**metakwargs) # this attribute is set when source galaxies have p(z) self.pzpdf_info = {"type": None} def _str_colnames(self): """Colnames in comma separated str""" return ", ".join(self.colnames) def _str_meta_(self): """Metadata in comma separated str""" return ", ".join([f"{key}={value!r}" for key, value in self.meta.items()]) def _str_pzpdf_info(self): out = self.pzpdf_info["type"] if out is not None: if out == "shared_bins": default_cfg = np.get_printoptions() # keep default values np.set_printoptions(edgeitems=5, threshold=10) out += " " + str(np.round(self.pzpdf_info.get("zbins"), 2)) np.set_printoptions(**default_cfg) return out def __repr__(self): """Generates string for repr(GCData)""" description = [self._str_meta_(), "columns: " + self._str_colnames()] if self.pzpdf_info["type"]: description.append(f"pzpdf: {self.pzpdf_info['type']}") return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({", ".join(description)})' def __str__(self): """Generates string for print(GCData)""" out = [ f"{self.__class__.__name__}", f"> defined by: {self._str_meta_()}", f"> with columns: {self._str_colnames()}", f"> {len(self)} objects", f"{APtable.__str__(self)}", ] if self.pzpdf_info["type"]: out.insert(3, f"> and pzpdf: {self._str_pzpdf_info()}") return "\n".join(out) def _html_table(self): """Get html table for display""" return "</i>".join(APtable._repr_html_(self).split("</i>")[1:]) def _repr_html_(self): """Generates string for display(GCData)""" out = [ f"<b>{self.__class__.__name__}</b>", f"<br> <b>defined by:</b> {self._str_meta_()}", f"<br> <b>with columns:</b> {self._str_colnames()}", f"<br> {len(self)} objects", f"<br> {self._html_table()}", ] if self.pzpdf_info["type"]: out.insert(3, f"<br> <b>and pzpdf:</b> {self._str_pzpdf_info()}") return "\n".join(out) def __getitem__(self, item): """ Makes sure GCData keeps its properties after [] operations are used. It also makes all letter casings accepted Returns ------- GCData Data with [] operations applied """ if isinstance(item, str): name_dict = {n.lower(): n for n in self.colnames} item = item.lower() item = ",".join([name_dict[i] for i in item.split(",")]) out = APtable.__getitem__(self, item) # sub cols or sub rows if not isinstance(item, (str, int, np.int64)): out.pzpdf_info = self.pzpdf_info return out
[docs] def update_info_ext_valid(self, key, gcdata, ext_value, overwrite=False): r"""Updates cosmo metadata if the same as in gcdata Parameters ---------- key: str Name of key to compare and update. gcdata: GCData Table to check if same cosmology. ext_value: Value to be compared to. overwrite: bool Overwrites the current metadata. If false raises Error when values are different. Returns ------- None """ if ext_value: in_value = gcdata.meta[key] if in_value and in_value != ext_value: if overwrite: warnings.warn( f"input '{key}' ({ext_value}) overwriting gcdata '{key}' ({in_value})" ) else: raise ValueError( f"input '{key}' ({ext_value}) differs from gcdata '{key}' ({in_value})" ) OrderedDict.__setitem__(self.meta, key, ext_value)
[docs] def update_cosmo_ext_valid(self, gcdata, cosmo, overwrite=False): r"""Updates cosmo metadata if the same as in gcdata Parameters ---------- gcdata: GCData Table to check if same cosmology cosmo: clmm.Cosmology Cosmology overwrite: bool Overwrites the current cosmo metadata. If false raises Error when cosmologies are different. Returns ------- None """ cosmo_desc = cosmo.get_desc() if cosmo else None self.update_info_ext_valid("cosmo", gcdata, cosmo_desc, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def update_cosmo(self, cosmo, overwrite=False): r"""Updates cosmo metadata if not present Parameters ---------- cosmo: clmm.Cosmology Cosmology overwrite: bool Overwrites the current cosmo metadata. If false raises Error when cosmologies are different. Returns ------- None """ self.update_cosmo_ext_valid(self, cosmo, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def has_pzpdfs(self): """Get pzbins and pzpdfs of galaxies Returns ------- pzbins : array zbins of each object in data pzpdfs : array PDF of each object in data """ pzpdf_type = self.pzpdf_info["type"] if pzpdf_type is None: return False if pzpdf_type == "shared_bins": return ("zbins" in self.pzpdf_info) and ("pzpdf" in self.columns) if pzpdf_type == "individual_bins": return ("pzbins" in self.columns) and ("pzpdf" in self.columns) raise NotImplementedError(f"PDF use '{pzpdf_type}' not implemented.")
[docs] def get_pzpdfs(self): """Get pzbins and pzpdfs of galaxies Returns ------- pzbins : array zbins of PDF. 1D if `shared_bins`, zbins of each object in data if `individual_bins`. pzpdfs : array PDF of each object in data """ pzpdf_type = self.pzpdf_info["type"] if pzpdf_type is None: raise ValueError("No PDF information stored!") if pzpdf_type == "shared_bins": pzbins = self.pzpdf_info["zbins"] elif pzpdf_type == "individual_bins": pzbins = self["pzbins"] else: raise NotImplementedError(f"PDF use '{pzpdf_type}' not implemented.") return pzbins, self["pzpdf"]