Source code for clmm.plotting

"""A collection of scripts that can be used to plot the various quantities that CLMM models."""
# Set mpl backend run plots on github actions
import os
import matplotlib as mpl

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
if os.environ.get("DISPLAY", "") == "test":
    print("no display found. Using non-interactive Agg backend")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] def plot_profiles( rbins, tangential_component, tangential_component_error, cross_component, cross_component_error, r_units=None, xscale="linear", yscale="linear", tangential_component_label="Tangential component", cross_component_label="Cross component", ): """Plot shear profiles Parameters ---------- rbins: array_like The centers of the radial bins that was used to compute the shears. tangential_component: array_like The tangential component at the radii of `rbins` tangential_component_error: array_like The uncertainty in the tangential component cross_component: array_like The cross component at the radii of `rbins` cross_component_error: array_like The uncertainty in the cross component r_units: str Units of `rbins` for x-axis label xscale: matplotlib.pyplot.xscale parameter to set x-axis scale (e.g. to logarithmic axis) yscale: matplotlib.pyplot.yscale parameter to set y-axis scale (e.g. to logarithmic axis) Returns ------- fig: The matplotlib figure object that has been plotted to. axes: The matplotlib axes object that has been plotted to. """ # Plot the tangential shears fig, axes = plt.subplots() axes.errorbar( rbins, tangential_component, yerr=tangential_component_error, fmt="bo-", label=tangential_component_label, lw=0.2, markersize=1.5, elinewidth=0.5, capthick=3, ) # Plot the cross shears axes.errorbar( rbins, cross_component, yerr=cross_component_error, fmt="ro-", label=cross_component_label, lw=0.2, markersize=1.5, elinewidth=0.5, capthick=3, ) # format axes.set_xscale(xscale) axes.set_yscale(yscale) axes.legend() axes.set_xlabel(f"Radius [{r_units}]") axes.set_ylabel(rf"{tangential_component_label} | {cross_component_label}") return fig, axes