"""General utility functions that are used in multiple modules"""
import numpy as np
from ..constants import Constants as const
def arguments_consistency(arguments, names=None, prefix=""):
r"""Make sure all arguments have the same length (or are scalars)
arguments: list, arrays, tuple
Group of arguments to be checked
names: list, tuple, None, optional
Names for each array. Default: None
prefix: str, optional
Customized prefix for error message. Default: ''
list, arrays, tuple
Group of arguments, converted to numpy arrays if they have length
sizes = [len(arg) if hasattr(arg, "__len__") else None for arg in arguments]
# check there is a name for each argument
if names:
if len(names) != len(arguments):
raise TypeError(
f"names (len={len(names)}) must have same length "
f"as arguments (len={len(arguments)})"
msg = ", ".join([f"{n}({s})" for n, s in zip(names, sizes)])
msg = ", ".join([f"{s}" for s in sizes])
# check consistency
if any(sizes):
# Check that all of the inputs have length and they match
if not all(sizes) or any(s != sizes[0] for s in sizes[1:]):
# make error message
raise TypeError(f"{prefix} inconsistent sizes: {msg}")
return tuple(np.array(arg) for arg in arguments)
return arguments
def _patch_rho_crit_to_cd2018(rho_crit_external):
r"""Convertion factor for rho_crit of any external modult to
CODATA 2018+IAU 2015
rho_crit_external: float
Critical density of the Universe in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-3}`
rhocrit_mks = 3.0 * 100.0 * 100.0 / (8.0 * np.pi * const.GNEWT.value)
rhocrit_cd2018 = (
rhocrit_mks * 1000.0 * 1000.0 * const.PC_TO_METER.value * 1.0e6 / const.SOLAR_MASS.value
return rhocrit_cd2018 / rho_crit_external
_valid_types = {
float: (float, int, np.floating, np.integer),
int: (int, np.integer),
"float_array": (float, int, np.floating, np.integer),
"int_array": (int, np.integer),
"array": (list, tuple, np.ndarray),
def _is_valid(arg, valid_type):
r"""Check if argument is of valid type, supports arrays.
arg: any
Argument to be tested.
valid_type: str, type
Valid types for argument, options are object types, list/tuple of types, or:
* 'int_array' - interger, interger array
* 'float_array' - float, float array
valid: bool
Is argument valid
if valid_type == "function":
return callable(arg)
return (
isinstance(arg[0], _valid_types[valid_type])
if (valid_type in ("int_array", "float_array") and np.iterable(arg))
else isinstance(arg, _valid_types.get(valid_type, valid_type))
def validate_argument(
r"""Validate argument type and raise errors.
loc: dict
Dictionary with all input arguments. Should be locals().
argname: str
Name of argument to be tested.
valid_type: str, type
Valid types for argument, options are object types, list/tuple of types, or:
* 'int_array' - interger, interger array
* 'float_array' - float, float array
none_ok: bool, optional
If True, accepts None as a valid type. Default: False
argmin : int, float, None, optional
Minimum value allowed. Default: None
argmax : int, float, None, optional
Maximum value allowed. Default: None
eqmin : bool, optional
If True, accepts min(arg)==argmin. Default: False
eqmax : bool, optional
If True, accepts max(arg)==argmax. Default: False
shape : tuple of ints, None, optional
Shape of object allowed. Default: None
var = loc[argname]
# Check for None
if none_ok and (var is None):
# Check for type
valid = (
any(_is_valid(var, types) for types in valid_type)
if isinstance(valid_type, (list, tuple))
else _is_valid(var, valid_type)
if not valid:
err = f"{argname} must be {valid_type}, received {type(var).__name__}"
raise TypeError(err)
# Check min/max
if any(t is not None for t in (argmin, argmax)):
var_array = np.array(var, dtype=float)
except Exception as exc:
err = (
f"{argname} ({type(var).__name__}) cannot be converted to number"
" for min/max validation."
raise TypeError(err) from exc
if argmin is not None:
if var_array.min() < argmin if eqmin else var_array.min() <= argmin:
err = (
f"{argname} must be greater than {argmin},"
f" received min({argname}): {var_array.min()}"
raise ValueError(err)
if argmax is not None:
if var_array.max() > argmax if eqmax else var_array.max() >= argmax:
err = (
f"{argname} must be lesser than {argmax},"
f" received max({argname}): {var_array.max()}"
raise ValueError(err)
# Check for shape
if shape is not None:
if np.shape(var) != shape:
err = (
f"{argname} must be of shape {shape}," f"received shape({argname}): {np.shape(var)}"
raise ValueError(err)
def _validate_ra(loc, ra_name, is_array):
r"""Validate RA type and raise errors.
loc: dict
Dictionary with all input arguments. Should be locals().
ra_name: str
Name of RA in args.
is_array: bool
Accepts array as input.
v_type = "float_array" if is_array else (float, str)
validate_argument(loc, ra_name, v_type, argmin=-360, eqmin=True, argmax=360, eqmax=True)
def _validate_dec(loc, dec_name, is_array):
r"""Validate DEC type and raise errors.
loc: dict
Dictionary with all input arguments. Should be locals().
dec_name: str
Name of DEC in args.
is_array: bool
Accepts array as input.
v_type = "float_array" if is_array else (float, str)
validate_argument(loc, dec_name, v_type, argmin=-90, eqmin=True, argmax=90, eqmax=True)
def _validate_is_deltasigma_sigma_c(is_deltasigma, sigma_c):
r""" "Validate the compatibility between is_deltasigma and sigma_c arguments.
is_deltasigma: bool
If `False`, values are computed for shear, else they are computed for :math:`\Delta \Sigma`.
sigma_c : None, array_like
Critical (effective) surface density in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}`.
if is_deltasigma and sigma_c is None:
raise TypeError("sigma_c (=None) must be provided when is_deltasigma=True")
if not is_deltasigma and sigma_c is not None:
raise TypeError(f"sigma_c (={sigma_c}) must be None when is_deltasigma=False")