Source code for

"""General utility functions that are used in multiple modules"""
import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import simps
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

def _integ_pzfuncs(pzpdf, pzbins, zmin=0.0, zmax=5, kernel=lambda z: 1.0, ngrid=1000):
    Integrates the product of a photo-z pdf with a given kernel.
    This function was created to allow for data with different photo-z binnings.

    pzpdf : list of arrays
        Photometric probablility density functions of the source galaxies.
    pzbins : list of arrays
        Redshift axis on which the individual photoz pdf is tabulated.
    zmin : float, optional
        Minimum redshift for integration. Default: 0
    zmax : float, optional
        Maximum redshift for integration. Default: 5
    kernel : function, optional
        Function to be integrated with the pdf, must be f(z_array) format.
        Default: kernel(z)=1
    ngrid : int, optional
        Number of points for the interpolation of the redshift pdf.

        Kernel integrated with the pdf of each galaxy.

        Will be replaced by qp at some point.
    # adding these lines to interpolate CLMM redshift grid for each galaxies
    # to a constant redshift grid for all galaxies. If there is a constant grid for all galaxies
    # these lines are not necessary and z_grid, pz_matrix = pzbins, pzpdf

    if hasattr(pzbins[0], "__len__"):
        # First need to interpolate on a fixed grid
        z_grid = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, ngrid)
        pdf_interp_list = [
            interp1d(pzbin, pdf, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)
            for pzbin, pdf in zip(pzbins, pzpdf)
        pz_matrix = np.array([pdf_interp(z_grid) for pdf_interp in pdf_interp_list])
        kernel_matrix = kernel(z_grid)
        # OK perform the integration directly from the pdf binning common to all galaxies
        mask = (pzbins >= zmin) * (pzbins <= zmax)
        z_grid = pzbins[mask]
        pz_matrix = np.array(pzpdf)[:, mask]
        kernel_matrix = kernel(z_grid)

    return simps(pz_matrix * kernel_matrix, x=z_grid, axis=1)

[docs] def compute_for_good_redshifts( function, z1, z2, bad_value, warning_message, z1_arg_name="z1", z2_arg_name="z2", r_proj=None, **kwargs, ): """Computes function only for `z1` < `z2`, the rest is filled with `bad_value` Parameters ---------- function: function Function to be executed z1: float, array_like Redshift lower z2: float, array_like Redshift higher bad_value: any Value to fill when `z1` >= `z2` warning_message: str Warning message to be displayed when `z1` >= `z2` z1_arg_name: str, optional Name of the keyword argument that `z1` is passed to. Default: 'z1' z2_arg_name: str, optional Name of the keyword argument that `z2` is passed to. Default: 'z2' r_proj: float, array_like, optional Value to be passed to keyword argument `r_proj` of `function`. Default: None Returns ------- Return type of `function` Output of `function` with value for `z1` >= `z2` replaced by `bad_value` """ kwargs = {z1_arg_name: locals()["z1"], z2_arg_name: locals()["z2"], **kwargs} z_good = np.less(z1, z2) if r_proj is not None: r_proj = np.array(r_proj) * np.full_like(z_good, True) z_good = z_good * r_proj.astype(bool) kwargs.update({"r_proj": r_proj[z_good] if np.iterable(r_proj) else r_proj}) if not np.all(z_good): warnings.warn(warning_message, stacklevel=2) if np.iterable(z_good): res = np.full(z_good.shape, bad_value) if np.any(z_good): kwargs[z1_arg_name] = np.array(z1)[z_good] if np.iterable(z1) else z1 kwargs[z2_arg_name] = np.array(z2)[z_good] if np.iterable(z2) else z2 res[z_good] = function(**kwargs) else: res = bad_value else: res = function(**kwargs) return res