"""Functions to generate mock source galaxy distributions to demo lensing code"""
import warnings
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from ..gcdata import GCData
from ..theory import compute_tangential_shear, compute_convergence
from ..utils import (
from ..redshift import distributions as zdist
def generate_galaxy_catalog(
r"""Generates a mock dataset of sheared background galaxies.
We build galaxy catalogs following a series of steps.
1. Draw true redshifts of the source galaxy population. This step is described by the
parameters `zsrc` and `zsrc_max`. `zsrc` can be a `float` in which case every source is
at the given redshift or a `str` describing a specific model to use for the source
distribution. Currently, the only supported model for source galaxy distribution is that
of Chang et al. 2013 arXiv:1305.0793. When a model is used to describe the distribution,
`zsrc_max` is the maximum allowed redshift of a source galaxy.
2. Apply photometric redshift errors to the source galaxy population. This step is
described by the parameter `photoz_sigma_unscaled`. If this parameter is set to a float,
we add Gaussian uncertainty to the source redshift
.. math::
z \sim \mathcal{N}\left(z^{\rm true},
\sigma_{\rm photo-z}^{\rm unscaled}(1+z^{\rm true}) \right)
We additionally include two columns in the output catalog, `pzbins` and `pzpdf` which
desribe the photo-z distribution as a Gaussian centered at :math:`z^{\rm true}` with a
width :math:`\sigma_{\rm photo-z} = \sigma_{\rm photo-z}^{\rm unscaled}(1+z^{\rm true})`
If `photoz_sigma_unscaled` is `None`, the `z` column in the output catalog is the true
3. Draw galaxy positions. Positions are drawn in a square box around the lens position (with a
default side length of 8 Mpc) at the lens redhsift. We then convert to right ascension and
declination using the cosmology defined in `cosmo`.
4. We predict the reduced tangential shear of each using the radial distances of each source
from the lens, the source redshifts, and the lens mass, concentration, and redshift. In the
given cosmology for an NFW halo. The reduced tangential shear is then transformed into `g1`
and `g2` components.
5. If the `shapenoise=True`, intrinsic ellipticities (1,2) components are drawn from a
Gaussian distribution of width of `shapenoise`. These ellipticities components are then
combined with `g1` and `g2` to provide lensed ellipticies `e1` and `e2`. If
`shapenoise=False`, `g1` and `g2` are directly used as ellipticity components.
If the shape noise parameter is high, we may draw nonsensical values for ellipticities. We
ensure that we does not return any nonsensical values for derived properties. We re-draw
all galaxies with e1 or e2 outside the bounds of [-1, 1]. After 5 (default) attempts to
re-draw these properties, we return the catalog as is and throw a warning.
cluster_m : float
Cluster mass in Msun
cluster_z : float
Cluster redshift
cluster_c : float
Cluster concentration in the same mass definition as delta_so
cosmo: clmm.Cosmology, optional
Cosmology object.
zsrc : float or str
Choose the source galaxy distribution to be fixed or drawn from a predefined distribution.
* `float` : All sources galaxies at this fixed redshift;
* `str` : Draws individual source gal redshifts from predefined distribution. Options are:
* `chang13` - Chang et al. 2013 (arXiv:1305.0793);
* `desc_srd` - LSST/DESC Science Requirement Document (arxiv:1809.01669);
delta_so : float, optional
Overdensity density contrast used to compute the cluster mass and concentration. The
spherical overdensity mass is computed as the mass enclosed within the radius
:math:`R_{\Delta{\rm SO}}` where the mean matter density is :math:`\Delta_{\rm SO}` times
the mean (or critical, depending on the massdef keyword) density of the Universe at the
cluster redshift
:math:`M_{\Delta{\rm SO}}=4/3\pi\Delta_{\rm SO}\rho_{m}(z_{\rm lens})R_{\Delta{\rm SO}}^3`
massdef : string, optional
Definition the mass overdensity with respect to the 'mean' or 'critical' density of the
universe. Default is 'mean' as it works for all theory backends. The NumCosmo and CCL
backends also allow the use of 'critical'. (letter case independent)
halo_profile_model : string, optional
Halo density profile. Default is 'nfw', which works for all theory backends. The NumCosmo
backend allow for more options, e.g. 'einasto' or 'burkert' profiles (letter case
zsrc_min : float, optional
The minimum true redshift of the sources. If photoz errors are included, the observed
redshift may be smaller than zsrc_min.
zsrc_max : float, optional
The maximum true redshift of the sources, apllied when galaxy redshifts are drawn from a
redshift distribution. If photoz errors are included, the observed redshift may be larger
than zsrc_max.
field_size : float, optional
The size of the field (field_size x field_size) to be simulated.
Proper distance in Mpc at the cluster redshift.
shapenoise : float, optional
If set, applies Gaussian shape noise to the galaxy shapes with a width set by `shapenoise`
mean_e_err : float, optional
Mean per-component ellipticity uncertainty. Currently,
individual uncertainties are drawn from a uniform distribution
in the range [0.9,1.1]*mean_e_err. If not provided, the output
table will not include this column.
photoz_sigma_unscaled : float, optional
If set, applies photo-z errors to source redshifts
pz_bins: int, array
Photo-z pdf bins in the given range. If int, the limits are set automatically.
If is array, must be the bin edges.
pzpdf_type: str, None
Type of photo-z pdf to be stored, options are:
`None` - does not store PDFs;
`'shared_bins'` - single binning for all galaxies
`'individual_bins'` - individual binning for each galaxy
`'quantiles'` - quantiles of PDF (not implemented yet)
nretry : int, optional
The number of times that we re-draw each galaxy with non-sensical derived properties
ngals : float, optional
Number of galaxies to generate
ngal_density : float, optional
The number density of galaxies (in galaxies per square arcminute, from z=0 to z=infty).
The number of galaxies to be drawn will then depend on the redshift distribution and
user-defined redshift range. If specified, the ngals argument will be ignored.
validate_input: bool
Validade each input argument
galaxy_catalog : clmm.GCData
Table of source galaxies with drawn and derived properties required for lensing studies
Much of this code in this function was adapted from the Dallas group
# pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
# Too many local variables (25/15)
# pylint: disable=R0914
if validate_input:
validate_argument(locals(), "cluster_m", float, argmin=0, eqmin=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "cluster_z", float, argmin=0, eqmin=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "cluster_c", float, argmin=0, eqmin=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "zsrc", (float, str))
validate_argument(locals(), "delta_so", float, argmin=0, eqmin=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "massdef", str)
validate_argument(locals(), "halo_profile_model", str)
validate_argument(locals(), "zsrc_min", float, argmin=0, eqmin=True, none_ok=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "zsrc_max", float, argmin=0, eqmin=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "field_size", float, argmin=0, eqmin=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "shapenoise", float, argmin=0, none_ok=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "mean_e_err", float, argmin=0, none_ok=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "photoz_sigma_unscaled", float, argmin=0, none_ok=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "nretry", int)
validate_argument(locals(), "ngals", float, none_ok=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "ngal_density", float, none_ok=True)
validate_argument(locals(), "pz_bins", (int, "array"))
if zsrc_min is None:
zsrc_min = cluster_z + 0.1
params = {
"cluster_m": cluster_m,
"cluster_z": cluster_z,
"cluster_c": cluster_c,
"cluster_ra": cluster_ra,
"cluster_dec": cluster_dec,
"cosmo": cosmo,
"delta_so": delta_so,
"zsrc": zsrc,
"massdef": massdef,
"halo_profile_model": halo_profile_model,
"zsrc_min": zsrc_min,
"zsrc_max": zsrc_max,
"shapenoise": shapenoise,
"mean_e_err": mean_e_err,
"photoz_sigma_unscaled": photoz_sigma_unscaled,
"pz_bins": pz_bins,
"field_size": field_size,
"pzpdf_type": pzpdf_type,
if ngals is None and ngal_density is None:
err = (
"Either the number of galaxies 'ngals' or the galaxy density"
" 'ngal_density' keyword must be specified"
raise ValueError(err)
if ngals is not None and ngal_density is not None:
err = "The 'ngals' and 'ngal_density' keywords cannot both be set. Please use only one."
raise ValueError(err)
if ngal_density is not None:
# Compute the number of galaxies to be drawn
ngals = _compute_ngals(
galaxy_catalog = _generate_galaxy_catalog(ngals=ngals, **params)
# Check for bad galaxies and replace them
nbad, badids = _find_aphysical_galaxies(galaxy_catalog, zsrc_min)
ntry = 0
# Prep bins for replacement
if photoz_sigma_unscaled is not None and pzpdf_type == "shared_bins" and nbad > 0:
params["pz_bins"] = galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["zbins"]
while (nbad > 0) and (ntry < nretry):
replacements = _generate_galaxy_catalog(ngals=nbad, **params)
# galaxy_catalog[badids] = replacements
for badid, replacement in zip(badids, replacements):
for col in galaxy_catalog.colnames:
galaxy_catalog[col][badid] = replacement[col]
nbad, badids = _find_aphysical_galaxies(galaxy_catalog, zsrc_min)
ntry += 1
# Final check to see if there are bad galaxies left
if nbad > 1:
warnings.warn(f"Not able to remove {nbad} aphysical objects after {nretry} iterations")
# Now that the catalog is final, add an id column
galaxy_catalog["id"] = np.arange(ngals)
return galaxy_catalog
def _compute_ngals(ngal_density, field_size, cosmo, cluster_z, zsrc, zsrc_min=None, zsrc_max=None):
A private function that computes the number of galaxies to draw given the user-defined
field size, galaxy density, cosmology, cluster redshift, galaxy redshift distribution
and requested redshift range.
ngal_density : float, optional
The number density of galaxies (in galaxies per square arcminute, from z=0 to z=infty).
The number of galaxies to be drawn will then depend on the redshift distribution and
user-defined redshift range. If specified, the ngals argument will be ignored.
field_size : float, optional
The size of the field (field_size x field_size) to be simulated.
Proper distance in Mpc at the cluster redshift.
cosmo: clmm.Cosmology, optional
Cosmology object.
cluster_z : float
Cluster redshift
zsrc : float or str
Choose the source galaxy distribution to be fixed or drawn from a predefined distribution.
* `float` : All sources galaxies at this fixed redshift;
* `str` : Draws individual source gal redshifts from predefined distribution. Options are:
* `chang13` - Chang et al. 2013 (arXiv:1305.0793);
* `desc_srd` - LSST/DESC Science Requirement Document (arxiv:1809.01669);
zsrc_min : float, optional
The minimum true redshift of the sources. If photoz errors are included, the observed
redshift may be smaller than zsrc_min.
zsrc_max : float, optional
The maximum true redshift of the sources, apllied when galaxy redshifts are drawn from a
redshift distribution. If photoz errors are included, the observed redshift may be larger
than zsrc_max.
ngals : int
Number of galaxies to be generated.
field_size_arcmin = convert_units(field_size, "Mpc", "arcmin", redshift=cluster_z, cosmo=cosmo)
ngals = ngal_density * field_size_arcmin * field_size_arcmin
if isinstance(zsrc, float):
ngals = int(ngals)
elif zsrc in ("chang13", "desc_srd"):
z_distrib_func = zdist.chang2013 if zsrc == "chang13" else zdist.desc_srd
# Compute the normalisation for the redshift distribution function (z=[0, inf))
# z_distrib_func(0, is_cdf=True)=0
norm = z_distrib_func(np.inf, is_cdf=True)
# Probability to find the galaxy in the requested redshift range
prob = (
z_distrib_func(zsrc_max, is_cdf=True) - z_distrib_func(zsrc_min, is_cdf=True)
) / norm
ngals = int(ngals * prob)
raise ValueError(f"zsrc (={zsrc}) must be float, 'chang13' or 'desc_srd'")
return ngals
def _generate_galaxy_catalog(
"""A private function that skips the sanity checks on derived properties. This
function should only be used when called directly from `generate_galaxy_catalog`.
For a detailed description of each of the parameters, see the documentation of
# Too many local variables (22/15)
# pylint: disable=R0914
# Set the source galaxy redshifts
galaxy_catalog = _draw_source_redshifts(zsrc, zsrc_min, zsrc_max, ngals)
# Add photo-z errors and pdfs to source galaxy redshifts
if photoz_sigma_unscaled is not None:
galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["type"] = pzpdf_type
galaxy_catalog = _compute_photoz_pdfs(
galaxy_catalog, photoz_sigma_unscaled, pz_bins=pz_bins
# Draw galaxy positions
galaxy_catalog = _draw_galaxy_positions(
galaxy_catalog, ngals, cluster_ra, cluster_dec, cluster_z, cosmo, field_size
# Compute the shear on each source galaxy
gamt = compute_tangential_shear(
gamx = np.zeros(ngals)
kappa = compute_convergence(
c_cl = SkyCoord(cluster_ra * u.deg, cluster_dec * u.deg, frame="icrs")
c_gal = SkyCoord(galaxy_catalog["ra"] * u.deg, galaxy_catalog["dec"] * u.deg, frame="icrs")
# position angle of drawn galaxies w.r.t cluster center
_, posangle = c_cl.separation(c_gal).rad, c_cl.position_angle(c_gal).rad
posangle += 0.5 * np.pi # for right convention
# corresponding shear1,2 components
gam1 = -gamt * np.cos(2 * posangle) + gamx * np.sin(2 * posangle)
gam2 = -gamt * np.sin(2 * posangle) - gamx * np.cos(2 * posangle)
# instrinsic ellipticities
e1_intrinsic = 0
e2_intrinsic = 0
# Add shape noise to source galaxy shears
if shapenoise is not None:
e1_intrinsic = shapenoise * np.random.standard_normal(ngals)
e2_intrinsic = shapenoise * np.random.standard_normal(ngals)
# Compute ellipticities
galaxy_catalog["e1"], galaxy_catalog["e2"] = compute_lensed_ellipticity(
e1_intrinsic, e2_intrinsic, gam1, gam2, kappa
cols = ["ra", "dec", "e1", "e2"]
# if adding uncertainties
if mean_e_err is not None:
galaxy_catalog["e_err"] = mean_e_err * np.random.uniform(0.9, 1.1, ngals)
galaxy_catalog["e1"] = np.random.normal(galaxy_catalog["e1"], galaxy_catalog["e_err"])
galaxy_catalog["e2"] = np.random.normal(galaxy_catalog["e2"], galaxy_catalog["e_err"])
cols += ["e_err"]
cols += ["z", "ztrue"]
if all(c is not None for c in (photoz_sigma_unscaled, pzpdf_type)):
if galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["type"] == "individual_bins":
cols += ["pzbins"]
cols += ["pzpdf"]
return galaxy_catalog[cols]
def _draw_source_redshifts(zsrc, zsrc_min, zsrc_max, ngals):
"""Set source galaxy redshifts either set to a fixed value or draw from a predefined
distribution. Return a table (GCData) of the source galaxies
Uses a sampling technique found in Numerical Recipes in C, Chap 7.2: Transformation Method.
Pulling out random values from a given probability distribution.
zsrc : float or str
Choose the source galaxy distribution to be fixed or drawn from a predefined distribution.
float : All sources galaxies at this fixed redshift.
str : Draws individual source gal redshifts from predefined distribution. Options are:
* `chang13` - Chang et al. 2013 (arXiv:1305.0793);
* `desc_srd` - LSST/DESC Science Requirement Document (arxiv:1809.01669);
zsrc_min : float
The minimum source redshift allowed.
zsrc_max : float, optional
If source redshifts are drawn, the maximum source redshift
ngals : float
Number of galaxies to generate
galaxy_catalog : clmm.GCData
Table of true and 'measured' photometric redshifts, which here the same. Redshift
photometric errors are then added using _compute_photoz_pdfs.
Much of this code in this function was adapted from the Dallas group
# Set zsrc to constant value
if isinstance(zsrc, float):
zsrc_list = np.ones(ngals) * zsrc
# Draw zsrc from Chang et al. 2013
elif zsrc == "chang13":
zsrc_list = _draw_random_points_from_distribution(
zsrc_min, zsrc_max, ngals, zdist.chang2013
# Draw zsrc from the distribution used in the DESC SRD (arxiv:1809.01669)
elif zsrc == "desc_srd":
zsrc_list = _draw_random_points_from_distribution(zsrc_min, zsrc_max, ngals, zdist.desc_srd)
# Draw zsrc from a uniform distribution between zmin and zmax
elif zsrc == "uniform":
zsrc_list = np.random.uniform(zsrc_min, zsrc_max, ngals)
# Invalid entry
raise ValueError(f"zsrc must be a float, chang13 or desc_srd. You set: {zsrc}")
return GCData([zsrc_list, zsrc_list], names=("ztrue", "z"))
def _compute_photoz_pdfs(galaxy_catalog, photoz_sigma_unscaled, pz_bins=101):
"""Private function to add photo-z errors and PDFs to the mock catalog.
galaxy_catalog : clmm.GCData
Input galaxy catalog to which photoz PDF will be added
photoz_sigma_unscaled : float
Width of the Gaussian PDF, without the (1+z) factor
pz_bins: int, sequence of scalars or str
Photo-z pdf bins in the given range. If int, the limits are set automatically.
If is array, must be the bin edges.
galaxy_catalog : clmm.GCData
Output galaxy catalog with columns corresponding to the bins
and values of the redshift PDF for each galaxy.
galaxy_catalog["pzsigma"] = photoz_sigma_unscaled * (1.0 + galaxy_catalog["ztrue"])
galaxy_catalog["z"] = galaxy_catalog["ztrue"] + galaxy_catalog[
] * np.random.standard_normal(len(galaxy_catalog))
if galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["type"] is None:
return galaxy_catalog
zmin = galaxy_catalog["z"] - 10.0 * galaxy_catalog["pzsigma"]
zmax = galaxy_catalog["z"] + 10.0 * galaxy_catalog["pzsigma"]
zmin[zmin < 0] = 0.0
if galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["type"] == "shared_bins":
if isinstance(pz_bins, int):
galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["zbins"] = np.linspace(zmin.min(), zmax.max(), pz_bins)
galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["zbins"] = np.array(pz_bins)
galaxy_catalog["pzpdf"] = gaussian(
galaxy_catalog["z"][:, None],
galaxy_catalog["pzsigma"][:, None],
elif galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["type"] == "individual_bins":
if isinstance(pz_bins, int):
galaxy_catalog["pzbins"] = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, pz_bins).T
galaxy_catalog["pzbins"] = [
pz_bins[max(np.digitize(z1, pz_bins) - 1, 0) : np.digitize(z2, pz_bins) + 1]
for z1, z2 in zip(zmin, zmax)
galaxy_catalog["pzpdf"] = [
gaussian(row["pzbins"], row["z"], row["pzsigma"]) for row in galaxy_catalog
elif galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info["type"] == "quantiles":
raise NotImplementedError("PDF storing in quantiles not implemented.")
raise ValueError(
"Value of pzpdf_info['type'] " f"(={galaxy_catalog.pzpdf_info['type']}) " "not valid."
return galaxy_catalog
def _draw_galaxy_positions(
galaxy_catalog, ngals, cluster_ra, cluster_dec, cluster_z, cosmo, field_size
"""Draw positions of source galaxies around lens
We draw physical x and y positions from uniform distribution with -4 and 4 Mpc of the
lensing cluster center. We then convert these to RA and DEC using the supplied cosmology
galaxy_catalog : clmm.GCData
Source galaxy catalog
ngals : float
The number of source galaxies to draw
cluster_ra : float
The cluster right ascension in degrees
cluster_dec : float
The cluster declination in degrees
cluster_z : float
The cluster redshift
cosmo : dict
Dictionary of cosmological parameters. Must contain at least, Omega_c, Omega_b,
and H0
field_size : float
The size of the field (field_size x field_size) to be simulated around the cluster center.
Proper distance in Mpc at the cluster redshift.
galaxy_catalog : clmm.GCData
Source galaxy catalog with positions added
lens_distance = cosmo.eval_da(cluster_z) # Mpc
# Draw galaxy around (ra,dec)=(0.0)
galaxy_catalog["x_mpc"] = np.random.uniform(-(field_size / 2.0), field_size / 2.0, size=ngals)
galaxy_catalog["y_mpc"] = np.random.uniform(-(field_size / 2.0), field_size / 2.0, size=ngals)
galaxy_catalog["r_mpc"] = np.sqrt(galaxy_catalog["x_mpc"] ** 2 + galaxy_catalog["y_mpc"] ** 2)
# ra and dec for a cluster in (0,0)
ra = -np.rad2deg(galaxy_catalog["x_mpc"] / lens_distance)
dec = np.rad2deg(galaxy_catalog["y_mpc"] / lens_distance)
coord_gals = SkyCoord(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg, frame="icrs")
coord_cl = SkyCoord(0.0 * u.deg, 0.0 * u.deg, frame="icrs")
# position angle of drawn galaxies w.r.t cluster center in original position coord_cl = (0,0)
position_angle = coord_cl.position_angle(coord_gals).to(u.deg)
# separation of drawn galaxies w.r.t cluster center in original position coord_cl = (0,0)
sep = coord_cl.separation(coord_gals)
# cluster actual position
c2_cl = SkyCoord(cluster_ra * u.deg, cluster_dec * u.deg, frame="icrs")
# new galaxy (ra,dec) w.r.t the new cluster position c2_cl
new_coord = c2_cl.directional_offset_by(position_angle, sep)
galaxy_catalog["ra"] = new_coord.ra.degree
galaxy_catalog["dec"] = new_coord.dec.degree
return galaxy_catalog
def _find_aphysical_galaxies(galaxy_catalog, zsrc_min):
r"""Finds the galaxies that have aphysical derived values due to large systematic choices.
Currently checks the following conditions
e1 \in [-1, 1]
e2 \in [-1, 1]
z < zsrc_min
This was converted to a seperate function to allow for ease of extension without needing
to change the same code in multiple locations.
galaxy_catalog : clmm.GCData
Galaxy source catalog
zsrc_min : float
Minimum galaxy redshift allowed
nbad : int
The number of aphysical galaxies in galaxy_catalog
badgals : array_like
A list of the indicies in galaxy_catalog that need to be redrawn
etot = np.sqrt(
galaxy_catalog["e1"] * galaxy_catalog["e1"] + galaxy_catalog["e2"] * galaxy_catalog["e2"]
# badgals = np.where((np.abs(galaxy_catalog['e1']) > 1.0) |
# (np.abs(galaxy_catalog['e2']) > 1.0) |
# (galaxy_catalog['ztrue'] < zsrc_min)
# )[0]
badgals = np.where((etot > 1.0) | (galaxy_catalog["ztrue"] < zsrc_min))[0]
nbad = len(badgals)
return nbad, badgals