Source code for clmm.theory

Theory package
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Modeling backend loader
import importlib
import warnings
import os
from . import func_layer
from . import generic

from .generic import (
from .func_layer import (

# Functions that do the loading of different backends

[docs] def backend_is_available(be_key): """Check if required backend is available""" conf = __backends.get(be_key) if not conf: return False try: if "preload" in conf: conf["preload"]() for module in conf["prereqs"]: importlib.import_module(module) return True except ImportError: return False
def _load_backend(be_module): """Loads one backend module Parameters ---------- be_module : str Name of backend module """ backend = importlib.import_module(f"clmm.theory.{be_module}") # pylint: disable=protected-access if all(obj in vars(backend) for obj in ("Modeling", "Cosmology")): # pylint: disable=global-statement global Modeling global Cosmology Modeling = backend.Modeling Cosmology = backend.Cosmology func_layer._modeling_object = backend.Modeling() else: func_layer._modeling_object = None def _load_backend_fallback(be_key): """Loads the backend of choice if available or send a warning and try to load the backends in the order of the __backends dictionary. Parameters ---------- be_key : str Key for the selected backend in the __backends dictionary. """ first_msg = True for key in (be_key, *filter(lambda k: k != be_key, __backends.keys())): conf = __backends[key] if conf["available"]: _load_backend(conf["module"]) return key if first_msg: warnings.warn( f"CLMM Backend requested '{conf['name']}' is not available, trying others..." ) first_msg = False else: warnings.warn(f"* {conf['name']} BACKEND also not available") raise ImportError("No modeling backend available.")
[docs] def load_backend_env(): """Loads the backend of choice if available or send a warning and try to load the backends in the order of the __backends dictionary. Parameters ---------- be_key : str Key for the selected backend in the __backends dictionary. """ # Backend check: # Checks all backends and set available to True for those that can be # corretly loaded. for nick, be_conf in __backends.items(): be_conf["available"] = backend_is_available(nick) # Backend nick: # If the environment variable CLMM_MODELING_BACKEND is set it gets its value, # falls back to 'ccl' => CCL if CLMM_MODELING_BACKEND is not set. be_nick_env = os.environ.get("CLMM_MODELING_BACKEND", "ccl") if be_nick_env not in __backends: raise ValueError(f"CLMM Backend {be_nick_env}'' is not supported") # Backend load: return _load_backend_fallback(be_nick_env)
########################## # Prepare the code backend ########################## # Global variables # pylint: disable=invalid-name Modeling = None Cosmology = None # Preload functions: # Some backends depend on more complicated modules and thus on a preload # function. def __numcosmo_preload(): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import gi gi.require_version("NumCosmoMath", "1.0") gi.require_version("NumCosmo", "1.0") # Backend dictionary __backends: # Dictonary controling the backends, it must test if the backend is available # and loadable. # - name: The backend name; # - module: The actual module name, must be a .py file inside the modbackend # directory; # - prereqs: modules that need to be loadable to allow the backend to work; # - preload: an optional function that must be called before the modules in # prereqs are tested; # - available: must always starts False; __backends = { "ccl": {"name": "ccl", "available": False, "module": "ccl", "prereqs": ["pyccl"]}, "nc": { "name": "NumCosmo", "available": False, "module": "numcosmo", "prereqs": ["gi.repository.NumCosmoMath", "gi.repository.NumCosmo"], "preload": __numcosmo_preload, }, "ct": { "name": "cluster_toolkit+astropy", "available": False, "module": "cluster_toolkit", "prereqs": ["cluster_toolkit", "astropy"], }, "notabackend": { "name": "notaname", "available": False, "module": "notamodule", "prereqs": ["notaprereq"], }, } be_nick = load_backend_env()