Source code for clmm.utils.boost

"""General utility functions that are used in multiple modules"""
import numpy as np

[docs] def compute_nfw_boost(rvals, rscale=1000, boost0=0.1): """Given a list of `rvals`, and optional `rscale` and `boost0`, return the corresponding boost factor at each rval Parameters ---------- rvals : array_like Radii rscale : float, optional scale radius for NFW in same units as rvals (default 2000 kpc) boost0 : float, optional Boost factor at each value of rvals Returns ------- array Boost factor """ r_norm = np.array(rvals) / rscale def _calc_finternal(r_norm): radicand = r_norm**2 - 1 finternal = ( -1j * np.log( (1 + np.lib.scimath.sqrt(radicand) * 1j) / (1 - np.lib.scimath.sqrt(radicand) * 1j) ) / (2 * np.lib.scimath.sqrt(radicand)) ) return np.nan_to_num(finternal, copy=False, nan=1.0).real return 1.0 + boost0 * (1 - _calc_finternal(r_norm)) / (r_norm**2 - 1)
[docs] def compute_powerlaw_boost(rvals, rscale=1000, boost0=0.1, alpha=-1.0): """Given a list of `rvals`, and optional `rscale` and `boost0`, and `alpha`, return the corresponding boost factor at each `rval` Parameters ---------- rvals : array_like Radii rscale : float, optional Scale radius for NFW in same units as rvals (default 2000 kpc) boost0 : float, optional Boost factor at each value of rvals alpha : float, optional Exponent from Melchior+16. Default: -1.0 Returns ------- array Boost factor """ r_norm = np.array(rvals) / rscale return 1.0 + boost0 * (r_norm) ** alpha
boost_models = { "nfw_boost": compute_nfw_boost, "powerlaw_boost": compute_powerlaw_boost, }
[docs] def correct_sigma_with_boost_values(sigma_vals, boost_factors): """Given a list of boost values and sigma profile, compute corrected sigma Parameters ---------- sigma_vals : array_like uncorrected sigma with cluster member dilution boost_factors : array_like Boost values pre-computed Returns ------- sigma_corrected : numpy.ndarray correted radial profile """ sigma_corrected = np.array(sigma_vals) / np.array(boost_factors) return sigma_corrected
[docs] def correct_sigma_with_boost_model(rvals, sigma_vals, boost_model="nfw_boost", **boost_model_kw): """Given a boost model and sigma profile, compute corrected sigma Parameters ---------- rvals : array_like radii sigma_vals : array_like uncorrected sigma with cluster member dilution boost_model : str, optional Boost model to use for correcting sigma * 'nfw_boost' - NFW profile model (Default) * 'powerlaw_boost' - Powerlaw profile Returns ------- sigma_corrected : numpy.ndarray correted radial profile """ boost_model_func = boost_models[boost_model] boost_factors = boost_model_func(rvals, **boost_model_kw) sigma_corrected = np.array(sigma_vals) / boost_factors return sigma_corrected
boost_models = { "nfw_boost": compute_nfw_boost, "powerlaw_boost": compute_powerlaw_boost, }