Source code for clmm.theory.ccl

Modeling using CCL
# Functions to model halo profiles
from packaging.version import parse

import pyccl as ccl

from ..utils import _patch_rho_crit_to_cd2018
from ..cosmology.ccl import CCLCosmology
from .parent_class import CLMModeling

# Check which versions of ccl are currently supported
from . import _ccl_supported_versions

if parse(ccl.__version__) < parse(_ccl_supported_versions.VMIN) or parse(ccl.__version__) > parse(
    raise EnvironmentError(
        f"Current CCL version ({ccl.__version__}) not supported by CLMM. "
        f"It must be between {_ccl_supported_versions.VMIN} and {_ccl_supported_versions.VMAX}."

[docs] class CCLCLMModeling(CLMModeling): r"""Object with functions for halo mass modeling Attributes ---------- backend: str Name of the backend being used massdef : str Profile mass definition ("mean", "critical", "virial" - letter case independent) delta_mdef : int Mass overdensity definition. halo_profile_model : str Profile model parameterization ("nfw", "einasto", "hernquist" - letter case independent) cosmo: Cosmology Cosmology object hdpm: Object Backend object with halo profiles mdef_dict: dict Dictionary with the definitions for mass hdpm_dict: dict Dictionary with the definitions for profile mdef: ccl.halos.MassDef, None Internal MassDef object conc: ccl.halos.ConcentrationConstant, None Internal ConcentrationConstant object """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__( self, massdef="mean", delta_mdef=200, halo_profile_model="nfw", validate_input=True, ): CLMModeling.__init__(self, validate_input) # Update class attributes self.backend = "ccl" self.mdef_dict = { "mean": "matter", "critical": "critical", "virial": "critical", } self.hdpm_dict = { "nfw": ccl.halos.HaloProfileNFW, "einasto": ccl.halos.HaloProfileEinasto, "hernquist": ccl.halos.HaloProfileHernquist, } self.cosmo_class = CCLCosmology self.hdpm_opts = { "nfw": { "truncated": False, "projected_analytic": True, "cumul2d_analytic": True, }, "einasto": {"truncated": False}, "hernquist": { "truncated": False, "projected_analytic": True, "cumul2d_analytic": True, }, } self.cor_factor = _patch_rho_crit_to_cd2018(ccl.physical_constants.RHO_CRITICAL) self.__mdelta_cor = 0.0 ## mass with corretion for input # self.hdpm_opts['einasto'].update({'alpha': 0.25}) # same as NC default # Set halo profile and cosmology self.mdef = None self.conc = None self.set_halo_density_profile(halo_profile_model, massdef, delta_mdef) self.set_cosmo(None) def _set_projected_quad(self, use_projected_quad): if hasattr(self.hdpm, "projected_quad"): self.hdpm_opts["einasto"]["projected_quad"] = use_projected_quad self._update_halo_density_profile() else: raise NotImplementedError("projected_quad is not available on this version of CCL.") # Functions implemented by child class def _update_halo_density_profile(self): """updates halo density profile with set internal properties""" # prepare mdef object if self.massdef == "virial": self.mdef = ccl.halos.MassDef("vir", self.mdef_dict[self.massdef]) else: self.mdef = ccl.halos.MassDef(self.delta_mdef, self.mdef_dict[self.massdef]) # setting concentration (also updates hdpm) self.cdelta = self.cdelta if self.hdpm else 4.0 # ccl always needs an input concentration def _get_concentration(self): """get concentration""" return self.conc.c def _get_mass(self): """get mass""" return self.__mdelta_cor * self.cor_factor def _set_concentration(self, cdelta): """set concentration. Also sets/updates hdpm""" self.conc = ccl.halos.ConcentrationConstant(c=cdelta, mass_def=self.mdef) self.hdpm = self.hdpm_dict[self.halo_profile_model]( concentration=self.conc, mass_def=self.mdef, **self.hdpm_opts[self.halo_profile_model] ) self.hdpm.update_precision_fftlog(padding_lo_fftlog=1e-4, padding_hi_fftlog=1e3) def _set_mass(self, mdelta): """set mass""" self.__mdelta_cor = mdelta / self.cor_factor def _set_einasto_alpha(self, alpha): if alpha is None: self.hdpm.update_parameters(alpha="cosmo") else: self.hdpm.update_parameters(alpha=alpha) def _get_einasto_alpha(self, z_cl=None): """get the value of the Einasto slope""" # pylint: disable=protected-access if self.hdpm.alpha != "cosmo": a_cl = 1 # a_cl does not matter in this case else: a_cl = self.cosmo.get_a_from_z(z_cl) return self.hdpm._get_alpha(self.cosmo.be_cosmo, self.__mdelta_cor, a_cl) def _eval_3d_density(self, r3d, z_cl): """eval 3d density""" return self._call_ccl_profile_lens(self.hdpm.real, r3d, z_cl, ndim=3) def _eval_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): """eval surface density""" return self._call_ccl_profile_lens(self.hdpm.projected, r_proj, z_cl) def _eval_mean_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): """eval mean surface density""" return self._call_ccl_profile_lens(self.hdpm.cumul2d, r_proj, z_cl) def _eval_excess_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): """eval excess surface density""" return self._eval_mean_surface_density(r_proj, z_cl) - self._eval_surface_density( r_proj, z_cl ) def _eval_convergence_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): """eval convergence""" return self._call_ccl_profile_lens_src(self.hdpm.convergence, r_proj, z_cl, z_src) def _eval_tangential_shear_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): """eval tangential shear""" return self._call_ccl_profile_lens_src(self.hdpm.shear, r_proj, z_cl, z_src) def _eval_reduced_tangential_shear_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): """eval reduced tangential shear with all background sources at the same plane""" return self._call_ccl_profile_lens_src(self.hdpm.reduced_shear, r_proj, z_cl, z_src) def _eval_magnification_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): """eval magnification""" return self._call_ccl_profile_lens_src(self.hdpm.magnification, r_proj, z_cl, z_src) # Helper functions unique to this class def _call_ccl_profile_lens(self, ccl_hdpm_func, radius, z_lens, ndim=2): """call ccl profile functions that depend on the lens only""" a_lens = self.cosmo.get_a_from_z(z_lens) return ( ccl_hdpm_func( self.cosmo.be_cosmo, radius / a_lens, self.__mdelta_cor, a_lens, ) * self.cor_factor / a_lens**ndim ) def _call_ccl_profile_lens_src(self, ccl_hdpm_func, radius, z_lens, z_src): """call ccl profile functions that depend on the lens and the sources""" a_lens = self.cosmo.get_a_from_z(z_lens) a_src = self.cosmo.get_a_from_z(z_src) return ccl_hdpm_func( self.cosmo.be_cosmo, radius / a_lens, self.__mdelta_cor, a_lens=a_lens, a_source=a_src, )
Cosmology = CCLCosmology Modeling = CCLCLMModeling