Source code for clmm.theory.cluster_toolkit

Modeling using cluster_toolkit
# Functions to model halo profiles
import numpy as np

import cluster_toolkit as ct

from ..utils import _patch_rho_crit_to_cd2018
from ..cosmology.cluster_toolkit import AstroPyCosmology
from .parent_class import CLMModeling

def _assert_correct_type_ct(arg):
    """Convert the argument to a type compatible with cluster_toolkit
    cluster_toolkit does not handle correctly scalar arguments that are
    not float or numpy array and others that contain non-float64 elements.
    It only convert lists to the correct type. To circumvent this we
    pre-convert all arguments going to cluster_toolkit to the appropriated

    arg : array_like or scalar

    scale_factor : numpy.ndarray
        Scale factor
    if np.isscalar(arg):
        return float(arg)
    return np.array(arg).astype(np.float64, order="C", copy=False)

[docs] class CTCLMModeling(CLMModeling): r"""Object with functions for halo mass modeling Attributes ---------- backend: str Name of the backend being used massdef : str Profile mass definition ("mean", "critical" - letter case independent) delta_mdef : int Mass overdensity definition. halo_profile_model : str Profile model parameterization ("nfw" - letter case independent) cosmo: Cosmology Cosmology object hdpm: Object Backend object with halo profiles mdef_dict: dict Dictionary with the definitions for mass hdpm_dict: dict Dictionary with the definitions for profile """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=abstract-method def __init__( self, massdef="mean", delta_mdef=200, halo_profile_model="nfw", validate_input=True, ): CLMModeling.__init__(self, validate_input) # Update class attributes self.backend = "ct" self.hdpm_dict = {"nfw": "nfw"} self.cosmo_class = AstroPyCosmology # Attributes exclusive to this class self.cor_factor = _patch_rho_crit_to_cd2018(2.77533742639e11) self.__mdelta = 0.0 # internal use only self.__cdelta = 0.0 # internal use only # Set halo profile and cosmology self.set_cosmo(None) # Exploit cluster-toolkit's calculation to get massdef='critical' # CT takes the argument 'Omega_m' to culculate rho_m(z) from rho_c (in M_sun*h^2/Mpc^3) # Passing (H(z)/H0)^2*Omega_m(z)=E(z)^2*Omega_m(z) is expected # Passing (H(z)/H0)^2=E^2 will effectively change the massdef to 'critical' # by calculating rho_c(z), instead of rho_m(z), from rho_c self.mdef_dict = { "mean": self.cosmo.get_E2Omega_m, "critical": self.cosmo.get_E2, } self.set_halo_density_profile(halo_profile_model, massdef, delta_mdef) # Functions implemented by child class def _update_halo_density_profile(self): """updates halo density profile with set internal properties""" # pylint: disable=unnecessary-pass pass def _get_concentration(self): """get concentration""" return self.__cdelta def _get_mass(self): """get mass""" return self.__mdelta def _set_concentration(self, cdelta): """set concentration""" self.__cdelta = cdelta def _set_mass(self, mdelta): """set mass""" self.__mdelta = mdelta def _eval_3d_density(self, r3d, z_cl): """eval 3d density""" h = self.cosmo["h"] Omega_m = self.mdef_dict[self.massdef](z_cl) * self.cor_factor return ( ct.density.rho_nfw_at_r( _assert_correct_type_ct(r3d) * h, self.mdelta * h, self.cdelta, Omega_m, delta=self.delta_mdef, ) * h**2 ) def _eval_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): """eval surface density""" h = self.cosmo["h"] Omega_m = self.mdef_dict[self.massdef](z_cl) * self.cor_factor return ( ct.deltasigma.Sigma_nfw_at_R( _assert_correct_type_ct(r_proj) * h, self.mdelta * h, self.cdelta, Omega_m, delta=self.delta_mdef, ) * h * 1.0e12 ) # pc**-2 to Mpc**-2 def _eval_mean_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): r"""Computes the mean value of surface density inside radius `r_proj` Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like Projected radial position from the cluster center in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float Excess surface density in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}`. Note ---- This function just adds eval_surface_density+eval_excess_surface_density """ return self.eval_surface_density(r_proj, z_cl) + self.eval_excess_surface_density( r_proj, z_cl ) def _eval_excess_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): """eval excess surface density""" if np.min(r_proj) < 1.0e-11: raise ValueError( f"Rmin = {np.min(r_proj):.2e} Mpc!" " This value is too small and may cause computational issues." ) h = self.cosmo["h"] Omega_m = self.mdef_dict[self.massdef](z_cl) * self.cor_factor r_proj = _assert_correct_type_ct(r_proj) * h # Computing sigma on a larger range than the radial range requested, # with at least 1000 points. sigma_r_proj = np.logspace( np.log10(np.min(r_proj)) - 1, np.log10(np.max(r_proj)) + 1, np.max([1000, 10 * np.array(r_proj).size]), ) sigma = self.eval_surface_density(sigma_r_proj / h, z_cl) / (h * 1e12) # rm norm for ct # ^ Note: Let's not use this naming convention when transfering ct to ccl.... return ( ct.deltasigma.DeltaSigma_at_R( r_proj, sigma_r_proj, sigma, self.mdelta * h, self.cdelta, Omega_m, delta=self.delta_mdef, ) * h * 1.0e12 ) # pc**-2 to Mpc**-2
Cosmology = AstroPyCosmology Modeling = CTCLMModeling