Source code for clmm.theory.numcosmo

NumCosmo implementation of CLMModeling
import math
import numpy as np

import gi
from gi.repository import NumCosmoMath as Ncm
from gi.repository import NumCosmo as Nc

from ..cosmology.numcosmo import NumCosmoCosmology
from .parent_class import CLMModeling

gi.require_version("NumCosmo", "1.0")
gi.require_version("NumCosmoMath", "1.0")

[docs] class NumCosmoCLMModeling(CLMModeling): r"""Object with functions for halo mass modeling Attributes ---------- backend: str Name of the backend being used massdef : str Profile mass definition ("mean", "critical", "virial" - letter case independent) delta_mdef : int Mass overdensity definition. halo_profile_model : str Profile model parameterization ("nfw", "einasto", "hernquist" - letter case independent) cosmo: Cosmology Cosmology object hdpm: Object Backend object with halo profiles mdef_dict: dict Dictionary with the definitions for mass hdpm_dict: dict Dictionary with the definitions for profile """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # pylint: disable=abstract-method def __init__( self, massdef="mean", delta_mdef=200, halo_profile_model="nfw", validate_input=True, ): CLMModeling.__init__(self, validate_input) # Update class attributes Ncm.cfg_init() self.backend = "nc" self.mdef_dict = { "mean": Nc.HaloDensityProfileMassDef.MEAN, "critical": Nc.HaloDensityProfileMassDef.CRITICAL, "virial": Nc.HaloDensityProfileMassDef.VIRIAL, } self.hdpm_dict = { "nfw":, "einasto":, "hernquist":, } self.cosmo_class = NumCosmoCosmology # Set halo profile and cosmology self.set_halo_density_profile(halo_profile_model, massdef, delta_mdef) self.set_cosmo(None) # Functions implemented by child class def _update_halo_density_profile(self): """updates halo density profile with set internal properties""" # Makes sure current cdelta/mdelta values are kept has_cm_vals = self.hdpm is not None if has_cm_vals: cdelta = self.cdelta log10_mdelta = self.hdpm.props.log10MDelta self.hdpm = self.hdpm_dict[self.halo_profile_model]( self.mdef_dict[self.massdef], self.delta_mdef ) if has_cm_vals: self.cdelta = cdelta self.hdpm.props.log10MDelta = log10_mdelta self._update_vec_funcs() def _get_concentration(self): """get concentration""" return self.hdpm.props.cDelta def _get_mass(self): """get mass""" return 10**self.hdpm.props.log10MDelta def _set_concentration(self, cdelta): """set concentration""" self.hdpm.props.cDelta = cdelta self._update_vec_funcs() def _set_mass(self, mdelta): """set mass""" self.hdpm.props.log10MDelta = math.log10(mdelta) self._update_vec_funcs() def _set_einasto_alpha(self, alpha): if alpha is None: self.hdpm.props.alpha = 0.25 else: self.hdpm.props.alpha = alpha self._update_vec_funcs() def _get_einasto_alpha(self, z_cl=None): """get the value of the Einasto slope""" # Note that z_cl is needed for CCL<2.6 only return self.hdpm.props.alpha def _eval_reduced_tangential_shear_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): """eval reduced tangential shear considering a single redshift plane for background sources""" if ( isinstance(r_proj, (list, np.ndarray)) and isinstance(z_src, (list, np.ndarray)) and len(r_proj) == len(z_src) ): func = self.cosmo.smd.reduced_shear_array_equal else: func = self.cosmo.smd.reduced_shear_array return func( self.hdpm, self.cosmo.be_cosmo, np.atleast_1d(r_proj), 1.0, 1.0, np.atleast_1d(z_src), z_cl, z_cl, ) # Functions unique to this class def _update_vec_funcs(self): """Set/update all functions that are vectorized""" self._eval_3d_density = np.vectorize( lambda r3d, z_cl: self.hdpm.eval_density(self.cosmo.be_cosmo, r3d, z_cl) ) self._eval_surface_density = np.vectorize( lambda r_proj, z_cl: self.cosmo.smd.sigma(self.hdpm, self.cosmo.be_cosmo, r_proj, z_cl) ) self._eval_mean_surface_density = np.vectorize( lambda r_proj, z_cl: self.cosmo.smd.sigma_mean( self.hdpm, self.cosmo.be_cosmo, r_proj, z_cl ) ) self._eval_excess_surface_density = np.vectorize( lambda r_proj, z_cl: self.cosmo.smd.sigma_excess( self.hdpm, self.cosmo.be_cosmo, r_proj, z_cl ) ) self._eval_tangential_shear_core = np.vectorize( lambda r_proj, z_cl, z_src: self.cosmo.smd.shear( self.hdpm, self.cosmo.be_cosmo, r_proj, z_src, z_cl, z_cl ) ) self._eval_convergence_core = np.vectorize( lambda r_proj, z_cl, z_src: self.cosmo.smd.convergence( self.hdpm, self.cosmo.be_cosmo, r_proj, z_src, z_cl, z_cl ) ) self._eval_magnification_core = np.vectorize( lambda r_proj, z_cl, z_src: self.cosmo.smd.magnification( self.hdpm, self.cosmo.be_cosmo, r_proj, z_src, z_cl, z_cl ) )
[docs] def get_mset(self): r""" Gets a mass set (NumCosmo internal use) """ mset = Ncm.MSet.empty_new() mset.set(self.cosmo.be_cosmo) mset.set(self.hdpm) mset.set(self.cosmo.smd) return mset
[docs] def set_mset(self, mset): r""" Sets a mass set (NumCosmo internal use) """ self.cosmo.set_be_cosmo(mset.get( self.hdpm = mset.get( self.cosmo.smd = mset.get( self.cosmo.smd.prepare_if_needed(self.cosmo.be_cosmo)
Cosmology = NumCosmoCosmology Modeling = NumCosmoCLMModeling