Source code for clmm.theory.parent_class

CLMModeling abstract class
# pylint: disable=too-many-lines
import warnings

import numpy as np

# functions for the 2h term
from scipy.integrate import simps, quad
from scipy.special import jv
from scipy.interpolate import splrep, splev

from .generic import (
from ..utils import (
from ..redshift import (

warnings.filterwarnings("always", module="(clmm).*")

[docs] class CLMModeling: r"""Object with functions for halo mass modeling Attributes ---------- backend: str Name of the backend being used mdelta: float Mass of the profile, in units of :math:`M_\odot` cdelta: float Concentration of the profile massdef : str Profile mass definition ("mean", "critical", "virial" - letter case independent) delta_mdef : int Mass overdensity definition. halo_profile_model : str Profile model parameterization ("nfw", "einasto", "hernquist" - letter case independent) cosmo: Cosmology Cosmology object hdpm: Object Backend object with halo profiles mdef_dict: dict Dictionary with the definitions for mass hdpm_dict: dict Dictionary with the definitions for profile validate_input: bool Validade each input argument cosmo_class: type Type of used cosmology objects z_inf : float The value used as infinite redshift """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes # The disable below is added to avoid a pylint error where it thinks CLMMCosmlogy # has duplicates since both have many NotImplementedError functions # description of bug at # pylint: disable=duplicate-code def __init__(self, validate_input=True, z_inf=1000): self.backend = None self.__massdef = "" self.__delta_mdef = 0 self.__halo_profile_model = "" self.cosmo = None self.hdpm = None self.mdef_dict = {} self.hdpm_dict = {} self.validate_input = validate_input self.cosmo_class = lambda *args: None self.z_inf = z_inf # 1. Object properties @property def mdelta(self): """Mass of cluster""" return self._get_mass() @property def cdelta(self): """Concentration of cluster""" return self._get_concentration() @property def massdef(self): """Definition for the mass of cluster""" return self.__massdef @property def delta_mdef(self): """Number of deltas in mass definition of cluster""" return self.__delta_mdef @property def halo_profile_model(self): """Halo profile model""" return self.__halo_profile_model # 1.a Object properties setter @mdelta.setter def mdelta(self, mdelta): """Set mass of cluster""" self.set_mass(mdelta) @cdelta.setter def cdelta(self, cdelta): """Set concentration of cluster""" self.set_concentration(cdelta) @massdef.setter def massdef(self, massdef): """Set definition for the mass of cluster""" self.set_halo_density_profile( halo_profile_model=self.halo_profile_model, massdef=massdef, delta_mdef=self.delta_mdef, ) @delta_mdef.setter def delta_mdef(self, delta_mdef): """Set number of deltas in mass definition of cluster""" self.set_halo_density_profile( halo_profile_model=self.halo_profile_model, massdef=self.massdef, delta_mdef=delta_mdef, ) @halo_profile_model.setter def halo_profile_model(self, halo_profile_model): """Set halo profile model""" self.set_halo_density_profile( halo_profile_model=halo_profile_model, massdef=self.massdef, delta_mdef=self.delta_mdef, ) # 2. Functions to be implemented by children classes def _get_mass(self): r"""Gets the value of the :math:`M_\Delta`""" raise NotImplementedError def _get_concentration(self): r"""Gets the value of the concentration""" raise NotImplementedError def _set_mass(self, mdelta): r"""Actually sets the value of the :math:`M_\Delta` (without value check)""" raise NotImplementedError def _set_concentration(self, cdelta): r"""Actuall sets the value of the concentration (without value check)""" raise NotImplementedError def _update_halo_density_profile(self): raise NotImplementedError def _set_einasto_alpha(self, alpha): r"""Actually sets the value of the :math:`\alpha` parameter for the Einasto profile""" raise NotImplementedError def _get_einasto_alpha(self, z_cl=None): r"""Returns the value of the :math:`\alpha` parameter for the Einasto profile, if defined""" raise NotImplementedError def _set_projected_quad(self, use_projected_quad): """Implemented for the CCL backend only""" raise NotImplementedError def _eval_3d_density(self, r3d, z_cl): raise NotImplementedError def _eval_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): raise NotImplementedError def _eval_mean_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): raise NotImplementedError def _eval_excess_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl): raise NotImplementedError # 3. Functions that can be used by all subclasses def _set_cosmo(self, cosmo): r"""Sets the cosmology to the internal cosmology object""" self.cosmo = cosmo if cosmo is not None else self.cosmo_class() def _eval_2halo_term_generic( self, sph_harm_ord, r_proj, z_cl, halobias=1.0, logkbounds=(-5, 5), ksteps=1000, loglbounds=(0, 6), lsteps=500, ): """eval excess surface density from the 2-halo term""" # pylint: disable=protected-access da = self.cosmo.eval_da(z_cl) rho_m = self.cosmo._get_rho_m(z_cl) k_values = np.logspace(logkbounds[0], logkbounds[1], ksteps) pk_values = self.cosmo._eval_linear_matter_powerspectrum(k_values, z_cl) interp_pk = splrep(k_values, pk_values) theta = r_proj / da # calculate integral, units [Mpc]**-3 def __integrand__(l_value, theta): k_value = l_value / ((1 + z_cl) * da) return l_value * jv(sph_harm_ord, l_value * theta) * splev(k_value, interp_pk) l_values = np.logspace(loglbounds[0], loglbounds[1], lsteps) kernel = np.array([simps(__integrand__(l_values, t), l_values) for t in theta]) return halobias * kernel * rho_m / (2 * np.pi * (1 + z_cl) ** 3 * da**2) def _eval_surface_density_2h( self, r_proj, z_cl, halobias=1.0, logkbounds=(-5, 5), ksteps=1000, loglbounds=(0, 6), lsteps=500, ): """eval surface density from the 2-halo term""" return self._eval_2halo_term_generic( 0, r_proj, z_cl, halobias, logkbounds, ksteps, loglbounds, lsteps ) def _eval_excess_surface_density_2h( self, r_proj, z_cl, halobias=1.0, logkbounds=(-5, 5), ksteps=1000, loglbounds=(0, 6), lsteps=500, ): """eval excess surface density from the 2-halo term""" return self._eval_2halo_term_generic( 2, r_proj, z_cl, halobias, logkbounds, ksteps, loglbounds, lsteps ) def _eval_rdelta(self, z_cl): return compute_rdelta(self.mdelta, z_cl, self.cosmo, self.massdef, self.delta_mdef) def _eval_mass_in_radius(self, r3d, z_cl): alpha = self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" else None return compute_profile_mass_in_radius( r3d, z_cl, self.cosmo, self.mdelta, self.cdelta, self.massdef, self.delta_mdef, self.halo_profile_model, alpha, ) def _convert_mass_concentration( self, z_cl, massdef=None, delta_mdef=None, halo_profile_model=None, alpha=None ): alpha1 = self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" else None return convert_profile_mass_concentration( self.mdelta, self.cdelta, z_cl, self.cosmo, massdef=self.massdef, delta_mdef=self.delta_mdef, halo_profile_model=self.halo_profile_model, alpha=alpha1, massdef2=massdef, delta_mdef2=delta_mdef, halo_profile_model2=halo_profile_model, alpha2=alpha, ) # 3.1. All these functions are for the single plane case def _eval_tangential_shear_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): delta_sigma = self.eval_excess_surface_density(r_proj, z_cl) sigma_c = self.cosmo.eval_sigma_crit(z_cl, z_src) return delta_sigma / sigma_c def _eval_convergence_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): sigma = self.eval_surface_density(r_proj, z_cl) sigma_c = self.cosmo.eval_sigma_crit(z_cl, z_src) return sigma / sigma_c def _eval_reduced_tangential_shear_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): kappa = self.eval_convergence(r_proj, z_cl, z_src) gamma_t = self.eval_tangential_shear(r_proj, z_cl, z_src) return compute_reduced_shear_from_convergence(gamma_t, kappa) def _eval_magnification_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src): kappa = self.eval_convergence(r_proj, z_cl, z_src) gamma_t = self.eval_tangential_shear(r_proj, z_cl, z_src) return 1.0 / ((1 - kappa) ** 2 - abs(gamma_t) ** 2) def _eval_magnification_bias_core(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src, alpha): magnification = self.eval_magnification(r_proj, z_cl, z_src) return compute_magnification_bias_from_magnification(magnification, alpha) # 4. Wrapper functions for input validation
[docs] def set_mass(self, mdelta): r"""Sets the value of the :math:`M_\Delta`. Parameters ---------- mdelta : float Galaxy cluster mass :math:`M_\Delta` in units of :math:`M_\odot` Notes ----- This is equivalent to doing self.mdelta = mdelta """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "mdelta", float, argmin=0) self._set_mass(mdelta)
[docs] def set_concentration(self, cdelta): r"""Sets the concentration Parameters ---------- cdelta: float Concentration Notes ----- This is equivalent to doing self.cdelta = cdelta """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "cdelta", float, argmin=0) self._set_concentration(cdelta)
[docs] def set_cosmo(self, cosmo): r"""Sets the cosmology to the internal cosmology object Parameters ---------- cosmo: clmm.Comology object, None CLMM Cosmology object. If is None, creates a new instance of self.cosmo_class(). """ if self.validate_input: if self.cosmo_class() is None: raise NotImplementedError validate_argument(locals(), "cosmo", self.cosmo_class, none_ok=True) self._set_cosmo(cosmo) self.cosmo.validate_input = self.validate_input
[docs] def set_halo_density_profile(self, halo_profile_model="nfw", massdef="mean", delta_mdef=200): r"""Sets the definitions for the halo profile Parameters ---------- halo_profile_model: str Halo mass profile, supported options are 'nfw', 'einasto', 'hernquist' (letter case independent) massdef: str Mass definition, supported options are 'mean', 'critical', 'virial' (letter case independent) delta_mdef: int Overdensity number """ # make case independent validate_argument(locals(), "massdef", str) validate_argument(locals(), "halo_profile_model", str) massdef, halo_profile_model = massdef.lower(), halo_profile_model.lower() if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "delta_mdef", int, argmin=0) if massdef not in self.mdef_dict: raise ValueError( f"Halo density profile mass definition {massdef} not currently supported" ) if halo_profile_model not in self.hdpm_dict: raise ValueError( f"Halo density profile model {halo_profile_model} not currently supported" ) # Check if we have already an instance of the required object, if not create one if ( (self.hdpm is None) or (self.halo_profile_model != halo_profile_model) or (self.massdef != massdef) or (self.delta_mdef != delta_mdef) ): # set internal quantities self.__halo_profile_model = halo_profile_model self.__massdef = massdef self.__delta_mdef = delta_mdef # set the profile self._update_halo_density_profile()
[docs] def set_einasto_alpha(self, alpha): r"""Sets the value of the :math:`\alpha` parameter for the Einasto profile Parameters ---------- alpha : float, None If None, use the default value of the backend. (0.25 for the NumCosmo backend and a cosmology-dependent value for the CCL backend.) """ if self.halo_profile_model != "einasto": raise NotImplementedError( "The Einasto slope cannot be set " "for your combination of profile choice " "or modeling backend." ) if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "alpha", float, none_ok=True) self._set_einasto_alpha(alpha)
[docs] def get_einasto_alpha(self, z_cl=None): r"""Returns the value of the :math:`\alpha` parameter for the Einasto profile, if defined Parameters ---------- z_cl : float Cluster redshift (required for Einasto with the CCL backend, will be ignored for NC) """ if self.halo_profile_model != "einasto": raise ValueError(f"Wrong profile model. Current profile = {self.halo_profile_model}") return self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl)
[docs] def set_projected_quad(self, use_projected_quad): r"""Control the use of quad_vec to calculate the surface density profile for CCL Einasto profile. Parameters ---------- use_projected_quad : bool Only available for Einasto profile with CCL as the backend. If True, CCL will use quad_vec instead of default FFTLog to calculate the surface density profile. """ if self.halo_profile_model != "einasto" or self.backend != "ccl": raise NotImplementedError("This option is only available for the CCL Einasto profile.") if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "use_projected_quad", bool) self._set_projected_quad(use_projected_quad)
[docs] def eval_3d_density(self, r3d, z_cl, verbose=False): r"""Retrieve the 3d density :math:`\rho(r)`. Parameters ---------- r3d : array_like, float Radial position from the cluster center in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float 3-dimensional mass density in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-3}` """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r3d", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", "float_array", argmin=0) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") return self._eval_3d_density(r3d=r3d, z_cl=z_cl)
[docs] def eval_critical_surface_density_eff(self, z_len, pzbins, pzpdf): r"""Computes the 'effective critical surface density' .. math:: \langle \Sigma_{\rm crit}^{-1}\rangle^{-1} = \left(\int \frac{1}{\Sigma_{\rm crit}(z)} p(z) dz\right)^{-1} where :math:`p(z)` is the source photoz probability density function. This comes from the maximum likelihood estimator for evaluating a :math:`\Delta\Sigma` profile. For the standard :math:`\Sigma_{\text{crit}}(z)` definition, use the `eval_sigma_crit` method of the CLMM cosmology object. Parameters ---------- z_len : float Galaxy cluster redshift pzbins : array-like Bins where the source redshift pdf is defined pzpdf : array-like Values of the source redshift pdf Returns ------- sigma_c : numpy.ndarray, float Cosmology-dependent effective critical surface density in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}` """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "z_len", float, argmin=0) def inv_sigmac(redshift): return 1.0 / self.cosmo.eval_sigma_crit(z_len, redshift) return 1.0 / _integ_pzfuncs(pzpdf, pzbins, kernel=inv_sigmac)
[docs] def eval_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl, verbose=False): r"""Computes the surface mass density Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like Projected radial position from the cluster center in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float 2D projected surface density in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}` """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") return self._eval_surface_density(r_proj=r_proj, z_cl=z_cl)
[docs] def eval_mean_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl, verbose=False): r"""Computes the mean value of surface density inside radius `r_proj` Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like Projected radial position from the cluster center in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float Excess surface density in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}`. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") return self._eval_mean_surface_density(r_proj=r_proj, z_cl=z_cl)
[docs] def eval_excess_surface_density(self, r_proj, z_cl, verbose=False): r"""Computes the excess surface density Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like Projected radial position from the cluster center in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float Excess surface density in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}`. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") return self._eval_excess_surface_density(r_proj=r_proj, z_cl=z_cl)
[docs] def eval_excess_surface_density_2h( self, r_proj, z_cl, halobias=1.0, logkbounds=(-5, 5), ksteps=1000, loglbounds=(0, 6), lsteps=500, ): r"""Computes the 2-halo term excess surface density (CCL and NC backends only) Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like Projected radial position from the cluster center in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster halobias : float, optional Value of the halo bias logkbounds : tuple(float, float), shape (2,), optional Log10 of the upper and lower bounds for the linear matter power spectrum ksteps : int, optional Number of steps in k-space loglbounds : tuple(float, float), shape (2,), optional Log10 of the upper and lower bounds for numerical integration lsteps: int, optional Number of steps for numerical integration Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float Excess surface density from the 2-halo term in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}`. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "halobias", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "logkbounds", tuple, shape=(2,)) validate_argument(locals(), "ksteps", int, argmin=1) validate_argument(locals(), "loglbounds", tuple, shape=(2,)) validate_argument(locals(), "lsteps", int, argmin=1) if self.backend not in ("ccl", "nc"): raise NotImplementedError( f"2-halo term not currently supported with the {self.backend} backend. " "Use the CCL or NumCosmo backend instead" ) return self._eval_excess_surface_density_2h( r_proj, z_cl, halobias, logkbounds, ksteps, loglbounds, lsteps )
[docs] def eval_surface_density_2h( self, r_proj, z_cl, halobias=1.0, logkbounds=(-5, 5), ksteps=1000, loglbounds=(0, 6), lsteps=500, ): r"""Computes the 2-halo term surface density (CCL and NC backends only) Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like Projected radial position from the cluster center in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster halobias : float, optional Value of the halo bias logkbounds : tuple(float,float), shape (2,), optional Log10 of the upper and lower bounds for the linear matter power spectrum ksteps : int, optional Number of steps in k-space loglbounds : tuple(float,float), shape (2,), optional Log10 of the upper and lower bounds for numerical integration lsteps: int, optional Number of steps for numerical integration Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float Excess surface density from the 2-halo term in units of :math:`M_\odot\ Mpc^{-2}`. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "halobias", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "logkbounds", tuple, shape=(2,)) validate_argument(locals(), "ksteps", int, argmin=1) validate_argument(locals(), "loglbounds", tuple, shape=(2,)) validate_argument(locals(), "lsteps", int, argmin=1) if self.backend not in ("ccl", "nc"): raise NotImplementedError( f"2-halo term not currently supported with the {self.backend} backend. " "Use the CCL or NumCosmo backend instead" ) return self._eval_surface_density_2h( r_proj, z_cl, halobias, logkbounds, ksteps, loglbounds, lsteps )
[docs] def eval_tangential_shear(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src, z_src_info="discrete", verbose=False): r"""Computes the tangential shear Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like The projected radial positions in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl : float Galaxy cluster redshift z_src : array_like, float, function Information on the background source galaxy redshift(s). Value required depends on `z_src_info` (see below). z_src_info : str, optional Type of redshift information provided by the `z_src` argument. The following supported options are: * 'discrete' (default) : The redshift of sources is provided by `z_src`. It can be individual redshifts for each source galaxy when `z_src` is an array or all sources are at the same redshift when `z_src` is a float. * 'beta' : The averaged lensing efficiency is provided by `z_src`. `z_src` must be a tuple containing ( :math:`\langle \beta_s \rangle, \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle`), the lensing efficiency and square of the lensing efficiency averaged over the galaxy redshift distribution repectively. .. math:: \langle \beta_s \rangle = \left\langle \frac{D_{LS}}{D_S}\frac{D_\infty} {D_{L,\infty}}\right\rangle .. math:: \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle = \left\langle \left(\frac{D_{LS}} {D_S}\frac{D_\infty}{D_{L,\infty}}\right)^2 \right\rangle verbose : bool, optional If True, the Einasto slope (alpha_ein) is printed out. Only availble for the NC and CCL backends. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float tangential shear """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_src_info", str) self._validate_z_src(locals()) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") gammat = None if z_src_info == "discrete": warning_msg = ( "\nSome source redshifts are lower than the cluster redshift." + "\nShear = 0 for those galaxies." ) gammat = compute_for_good_redshifts( self._eval_tangential_shear_core, z_cl, z_src, 0.0, warning_msg, "z_cl", "z_src", r_proj, ) elif z_src_info == "beta": beta_s_mean = z_src[0] gammat_inf = self._eval_tangential_shear_core( r_proj=r_proj, z_cl=z_cl, z_src=self.z_inf ) gammat = beta_s_mean * gammat_inf return gammat
[docs] def eval_convergence(self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src, z_src_info="discrete", verbose=False): r"""Computes the mass convergence .. math:: \kappa = \frac{\Sigma}{\Sigma_{crit}} or .. math:: \kappa = \kappa_\infty \times <\beta_s> Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like The projected radial positions in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl : float Galaxy cluster redshift z_src : array_like, float, function Information on the background source galaxy redshift(s). Value required depends on `z_src_info` (see below). z_src_info : str, optional Type of redshift information provided by the `z_src` argument. The following supported options are: * 'discrete' (default) : The redshift of sources is provided by `z_src`. It can be individual redshifts for each source galaxy when `z_src` is an array or all sources are at the same redshift when `z_src` is a float. * 'beta' : The averaged lensing efficiency is provided by `z_src`. `z_src` must be a tuple containing ( :math:`\langle \beta_s \rangle, \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle`), the lensing efficiency and square of the lensing efficiency averaged over the galaxy redshift distribution repectively. .. math:: \langle \beta_s \rangle = \left\langle \frac{D_{LS}}{D_S}\frac{D_\infty} {D_{L,\infty}}\right\rangle .. math:: \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle = \left\langle \left(\frac{D_{LS}} {D_S}\frac{D_\infty}{D_{L,\infty}}\right)^2 \right\rangle verbose : bool, optional If True, the Einasto slope (alpha_ein) is printed out. Only availble for the NC and CCL backends. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float Mass convergence, kappa. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_src_info", str) self._validate_z_src(locals()) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") if z_src_info == "discrete": warning_msg = ( "\nSome source redshifts are lower than the cluster redshift." + "\nConvergence = 0 for those galaxies." ) kappa = compute_for_good_redshifts( self._eval_convergence_core, z_cl, z_src, 0.0, warning_msg, "z_cl", "z_src", r_proj, ) elif z_src_info == "beta": beta_s_mean = z_src[0] kappa_inf = self._eval_convergence_core(r_proj=r_proj, z_cl=z_cl, z_src=self.z_inf) kappa = beta_s_mean * kappa_inf return kappa
def _pdz_weighted_avg(self, core, pdz_func, r_proj, z_cl, integ_kwargs=None): r"""Computes function averaged over PDZ Parameters ---------- core : function Function to be averaged, must take tangential shear and convergence as input. pdz_func : function Redshift distribution function. Must be a one dimentional function. r_proj : array_like The projected radial positions in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl : float Galaxy cluster redshift integ_kwargs: None, dict Extra arguments for the redshift integration (when `approx=None, z_src_info='distribution'`). Possible keys are: * 'zmin' (None, float) : Minimum redshift to be set as the source of the galaxy when performing the sum. (default=None) * 'zmax' (float) : Maximum redshift to be set as the source of the galaxy when performing the sum. (default=10.0) * 'delta_z_cut' (float) : Redshift cut so that `zmin` = `z_cl` + `delta_z_cut`. `delta_z_cut` is ignored if `z_min` is already provided. (default=0.1) Returns ------- array_like Function averaged by pdz, with r_proj dimention. """ def tfunc(z, radius): return compute_beta_s_func( z, z_cl, self.z_inf, self.cosmo, self._eval_tangential_shear_core, radius, z_cl, self.z_inf, ) def kfunc(z, radius): return compute_beta_s_func( z, z_cl, self.z_inf, self.cosmo, self._eval_convergence_core, radius, z_cl, self.z_inf, ) def __integrand__(z, radius): return pdz_func(z) * core(tfunc(z, radius), kfunc(z, radius)) _integ_kwargs = {"zmax": 10.0, "delta_z_cut": 0.1} _integ_kwargs.update({} if integ_kwargs is None else integ_kwargs) zmax = _integ_kwargs["zmax"] delta_z_cut = _integ_kwargs["delta_z_cut"] zmin = _integ_kwargs.get("zmin", z_cl + delta_z_cut) out = np.array([quad(__integrand__, zmin, zmax, (r))[0] for r in r_proj]) return out / quad(pdz_func, zmin, zmax)[0]
[docs] def eval_reduced_tangential_shear( self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src, z_src_info="discrete", approx=None, integ_kwargs=None, verbose=False, ): r"""Computes the reduced tangential shear .. math:: g_t = \frac{\gamma_t}{1-\kappa} Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like The projected radial positions in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl : float Galaxy cluster redshift z_src : array_like, float, function Information on the background source galaxy redshift(s). Value required depends on `z_src_info` (see below). z_src_info : str, optional Type of redshift information provided by the `z_src` argument. The following supported options are: * 'discrete' (default) : The redshift of sources is provided by `z_src`. It can be individual redshifts for each source galaxy when `z_src` is an array or all sources are at the same redshift when `z_src` is a float (Used for `approx=None`). * 'distribution' : A redshift distribution function is provided by `z_src`. `z_src` must be a one dimentional function (Used when `approx=None`). * 'beta' : The averaged lensing efficiency is provided by `z_src`. `z_src` must be a tuple containing ( :math:`\langle \beta_s \rangle, \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle`), the lensing efficiency and square of the lensing efficiency averaged over the galaxy redshift distribution repectively. .. math:: \langle \beta_s \rangle = \left\langle \frac{D_{LS}}{D_S}\frac{D_\infty} {D_{L,\infty}}\right\rangle .. math:: \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle = \left\langle \left(\frac{D_{LS}} {D_S}\frac{D_\infty}{D_{L,\infty}}\right)^2 \right\rangle approx : str, optional Type of computation to be made for reduced tangential shears, options are: * None (default): Requires `z_src_info` to be 'discrete' or 'distribution'. If `z_src_info='discrete'`, full computation is made for each `r_proj, z_src` pair individually. If `z_src_info='distribution'`, reduced tangential shear at each value of `r_proj` is calculated as .. math:: g_t =\left<\frac{\beta_s\gamma_{\infty}}{1-\beta_s\kappa_{\infty}}\right> =\frac{\int_{z_{min}}^{z_{max}}\frac{\beta_s(z)\gamma_{\infty}} {1-\beta_s(z)\kappa_{\infty}}N(z)\text{d}z} {\int_{z_{min}}^{z_{max}} N(z)\text{d}z} * 'order1' : Same approach as in Weighing the Giants - III (equation 6 in Applegate et al. 2014; `z_src_info` must be 'beta': .. math:: g_t\approx\frac{\left<\beta_s\right>\gamma_{\infty}} {1-\left<\beta_s\right>\kappa_{\infty}} * 'order2' : Same approach as in Cluster Mass Calibration at High Redshift (equation 12 in Schrabback et al. 2017; `z_src_info` must be 'beta': .. math:: g_t\approx\frac{\left<\beta_s\right>\gamma_{\infty}} {1-\left<\beta_s\right>\kappa_{\infty}} \left(1+\left(\frac{\left<\beta_s^2\right>} {\left<\beta_s\right>^2}-1\right)\left<\beta_s\right>\kappa_{\infty}\right) integ_kwargs: None, dict Extra arguments for the redshift integration (when `approx=None, z_src_info='distribution'`). Possible keys are: * 'zmin' (None, float) : Minimum redshift to be set as the source of the galaxy when performing the sum. (default=None) * 'zmax' (float) : Maximum redshift to be set as the source of the galaxy when performing the sum. (default=10.0) * 'delta_z_cut' (float) : Redshift cut so that `zmin` = `z_cl` + `delta_z_cut`. `delta_z_cut` is ignored if `z_min` is already provided. (default=0.1) verbose : bool, optional If True, the Einasto slope (alpha_ein) is printed out. Only availble for the NC and CCL backends. Returns ------- gt : numpy.ndarray, float Reduced tangential shear Notes ----- Need to figure out if we want to raise exceptions rather than errors here? """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_src_info", str) validate_argument(locals(), "approx", str, none_ok=True) self._validate_approx_z_src_info(locals()) self._validate_z_src(locals()) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") if approx is None: if z_src_info == "distribution": gt = self._pdz_weighted_avg( lambda gammat, kappa: gammat / (1 - kappa), z_src, r_proj, z_cl, integ_kwargs=integ_kwargs, ) elif z_src_info == "discrete": warning_msg = ( "\nSome source redshifts are lower than the cluster redshift." + "\nReduced_shear = 0 for those galaxies." ) gt = compute_for_good_redshifts( self._eval_reduced_tangential_shear_core, z_cl, z_src, 0.0, warning_msg, "z_cl", "z_src", r_proj, ) elif approx in ("order1", "order2"): beta_s_mean = z_src[0] gammat_inf = self._eval_tangential_shear_core(r_proj, z_cl, z_src=self.z_inf) kappa_inf = self._eval_convergence_core(r_proj, z_cl, z_src=self.z_inf) gt = beta_s_mean * gammat_inf / (1.0 - beta_s_mean * kappa_inf) if approx == "order2": beta_s_square_mean = z_src[1] gt *= ( 1.0 + (beta_s_square_mean / (beta_s_mean * beta_s_mean) - 1.0) * beta_s_mean * kappa_inf ) return gt
[docs] def eval_magnification( self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src, z_src_info="discrete", approx=None, verbose=False, integ_kwargs=None, ): r"""Computes the magnification .. math:: \mu = \frac{1}{(1-\kappa)^2-|\gamma_t|^2} Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like The projected radial positions in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl : float Galaxy cluster redshift z_src : array_like, float, function Information on the background source galaxy redshift(s). Value required depends on `z_src_info` (see below). z_src_info : str, optional Type of redshift information provided by the `z_src` argument. The following supported options are: * 'discrete' (default) : The redshift of sources is provided by `z_src`. It can be individual redshifts for each source galaxy when `z_src` is an array or all sources are at the same redshift when `z_src` is a float (Used for `approx=None`). * 'distribution' : A redshift distribution function is provided by `z_src`. `z_src` must be a one dimentional function (Used when `approx=None`). * 'beta' : The averaged lensing efficiency is provided by `z_src`. `z_src` must be a tuple containing ( :math:`\langle \beta_s \rangle, \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle`), the lensing efficiency and square of the lensing efficiency averaged over the galaxy redshift distribution repectively. .. math:: \langle \beta_s \rangle = \left\langle \frac{D_{LS}}{D_S}\frac{D_\infty} {D_{L,\infty}}\right\rangle .. math:: \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle = \left\langle \left(\frac{D_{LS}} {D_S}\frac{D_\infty}{D_{L,\infty}}\right)^2 \right\rangle approx : str, optional Type of computation to be made for magnifications, options are: * None (default): Requires `z_src_info` to be 'discrete' or 'distribution'. If `z_src_info='discrete'`, full computation is made for each `r_proj, z_src` pair individually. If `z_src_info='distribution'`, magnification at each value of `r_proj` is calculated as .. math:: \mu =\left<\frac{1}{\left(1-\beta_s\kappa_{\infty}\right)^2 -\left(\beta_s\gamma_{\infty}\right)^2}\right> =\frac{\int_{z_{min}}^{z_{max}}\frac{N(z)\text{d}z} {\left(1-\beta_s(z)\kappa_{\infty}\right)^2 -\left(\beta_s(z)\gamma_{\infty}\right)^2}} {\int_{z_{min}}^{z_{max}} N(z)\text{d}z} * 'order1' : Uses the weak lensing approximation of the magnification with up to first-order terms in :math:`\kappa_{\infty}` or :math:`\gamma_{\infty}` (`z_src_info` must be 'beta'): .. math:: \mu \approx 1 + 2 \left<\beta_s\right>\kappa_{\infty} * 'order2' : Uses the weak lensing approximation of the magnification with up to second-order terms in :math:`\kappa_{\infty}` or :math:`\gamma_{\infty}` (`z_src_info` must be 'beta'): .. math:: \mu \approx 1 + 2 \left<\beta_s\right>\kappa_{\infty} + 3 \left<\beta_s^2\right>\kappa_{\infty}^2 + \left<\beta_s^2\right>\gamma_{\infty}^2 integ_kwargs: None, dict Extra arguments for the redshift integration (when `approx=None, z_src_info='distribution'`). Possible keys are: * 'zmin' (None, float) : Minimum redshift to be set as the source of the galaxy when performing the sum. (default=None) * 'zmax' (float) : Maximum redshift to be set as the source of the galaxy when performing the sum. (default=10.0) * 'delta_z_cut' (float) : Redshift cut so that `zmin` = `z_cl` + `delta_z_cut`. `delta_z_cut` is ignored if `z_min` is already provided. (default=0.1) verbose : bool, optional If True, the Einasto slope (alpha_ein) is printed out. Only availble for the NC and CCL backends. Returns ------- mu : numpy.ndarray, float magnification, mu. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_src_info", str) validate_argument(locals(), "approx", str, none_ok=True) self._validate_approx_z_src_info(locals()) self._validate_z_src(locals()) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") if approx is None: if z_src_info == "distribution": mu = self._pdz_weighted_avg( lambda gammat, kappa: 1 / ((1 - kappa) ** 2 - gammat**2), z_src, r_proj, z_cl, integ_kwargs=integ_kwargs, ) elif z_src_info == "discrete": warning_msg = ( "\nSome source redshifts are lower than the cluster redshift." + "\nMagnification = 1 for those galaxies." ) mu = compute_for_good_redshifts( self._eval_magnification_core, z_cl, z_src, 1.0, warning_msg, "z_cl", "z_src", r_proj, ) elif approx in ("order1", "order2"): beta_s_mean = z_src[0] kappa_inf = self._eval_convergence_core(r_proj, z_cl, z_src=self.z_inf) gammat_inf = self._eval_tangential_shear_core(r_proj, z_cl, z_src=self.z_inf) mu = 1 + 2 * beta_s_mean * kappa_inf if approx == "order2": beta_s_square_mean = z_src[1] # Taylor expansion with up to second-order terms mu += 3 * beta_s_square_mean * kappa_inf**2 + beta_s_square_mean * gammat_inf**2 return mu
[docs] def eval_magnification_bias( self, r_proj, z_cl, z_src, alpha, z_src_info="discrete", approx=None, integ_kwargs=None, verbose=False, ): r"""Computes the magnification bias .. math:: \mu^{\alpha - 1} Parameters ---------- r_proj : array_like The projected radial positions in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl : float Galaxy cluster redshift z_src : array_like, float, function Information on the background source galaxy redshift(s). Value required depends on `z_src_info` (see below). alpha : float Slope of the cummulative number count of background sources at a given magnitude z_src_info : str, optional Type of redshift information provided by the `z_src` argument. The following supported options are: * 'discrete' (default) : The redshift of sources is provided by `z_src`. It can be individual redshifts for each source galaxy when `z_src` is an array or all sources are at the same redshift when `z_src` is a float (Used for `approx=None`). * 'distribution' : A redshift distribution function is provided by `z_src`. `z_src` must be a one dimentional function (Used when `approx=None`). * 'beta' : The averaged lensing efficiency is provided by `z_src`. `z_src` must be a tuple containing ( :math:`\langle \beta_s \rangle, \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle`), the lensing efficiency and square of the lensing efficiency averaged over the galaxy redshift distribution repectively. .. math:: \langle \beta_s \rangle = \left\langle \frac{D_{LS}}{D_S}\frac{D_\infty} {D_{L,\infty}}\right\rangle .. math:: \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle = \left\langle \left(\frac{D_{LS}} {D_S}\frac{D_\infty}{D_{L,\infty}}\right)^2 \right\rangle approx : str, optional Type of computation to be made for magnification biases, options are: * None (default): Requires `z_src_info` to be 'discrete' or 'distribution'. If `z_src_info='discrete'`, full computation is made for each `r_proj, z_src` pair individually. If `z_src_info='distribution'`, magnification bias at each value of `r_proj` is calculated as .. math:: \mu^{\alpha-1} &=\left(\left<\frac{1}{\left(1-\beta_s\kappa_{\infty}\right)^2 -\left(\beta_s\gamma_{\infty}\right)^2}\right>\right)^{\alpha-1} \\\\ &=\frac{\int_{z_{min}}^{z_{max}}\frac{N(z)\text{d}z} {\left(\left(1-\beta_s(z)\kappa_{\infty}\right)^2 -\left(\beta_s(z)\gamma_{\infty}\right)^2\right)^{\alpha-1}}} {\int_{z_{min}}^{z_{max}} N(z)\text{d}z} * 'order1' : Uses the weak lensing approximation of the magnification bias with up to first-order terms in :math:`\kappa_{\infty}` or :math:`\gamma_{\infty}` (`z_src_info` must be 'beta'): .. math:: \mu^{\alpha-1} \approx 1 + \left(\alpha-1\right)\left(2 \left<\beta_s\right>\kappa_{\infty}\right) * 'order2' : Uses the weak lensing approximation of the magnification bias with up to second-order terms in :math:`\kappa_{\infty}` or :math:`\gamma_{\infty}` (`z_src_info` must be 'beta'): .. math:: \mu^{\alpha-1} \approx 1 &+ \left(\alpha-1\right)\left(2 \left<\beta_s\right>\kappa_{\infty}\right) \\\\ &+ \left(\alpha-1\right)\left(\left<\beta_s^2\right>\gamma_{\infty}^2\right) \\\\ &+ \left(2\alpha-1\right)\left(\alpha-1\right) \left(\left<\beta_s^2\right>\kappa_{\infty}^2\right) integ_kwargs: None, dict Extra arguments for the redshift integration (when `approx=None, z_src_info='distribution'`). Possible keys are: * 'zmin' (None, float) : Minimum redshift to be set as the source of the galaxy when performing the sum. (default=None) * 'zmax' (float) : Maximum redshift to be set as the source of the galaxy when performing the sum. (default=10.0) * 'delta_z_cut' (float) : Redshift cut so that `zmin` = `z_cl` + `delta_z_cut`. `delta_z_cut` is ignored if `z_min` is already provided. (default=0.1) verbose : bool, optional If True, the Einasto slope (alpha_ein) is printed out. Only availble for the NC and CCL backends. Returns ------- mu_bias : numpy.ndarray, float magnification bias. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r_proj", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_src_info", str) validate_argument(locals(), "alpha", "float_array") validate_argument(locals(), "approx", str, none_ok=True) self._validate_approx_z_src_info(locals()) self._validate_z_src(locals()) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") if approx is None: # z_src (float or array) is redshift if z_src_info == "distribution": mu_bias = self._pdz_weighted_avg( lambda gammat, kappa: 1 / ((1 - kappa) ** 2 - gammat**2) ** (alpha - 1), z_src, r_proj, z_cl, integ_kwargs=integ_kwargs, ) elif z_src_info == "discrete": warning_msg = ( "\nSome source redshifts are lower than the cluster redshift." + "\nMagnification bias = 1 for those galaxies." ) mu_bias = compute_for_good_redshifts( self._eval_magnification_bias_core, z_cl, z_src, 1.0, warning_msg, "z_cl", "z_src", r_proj, alpha=alpha, ) elif approx in ("order1", "order2"): beta_s_mean = z_src[0] kappa_inf = self._eval_convergence_core(r_proj, z_cl, z_src=self.z_inf) gammat_inf = self._eval_tangential_shear_core(r_proj, z_cl, z_src=self.z_inf) mu_bias = 1 + (alpha - 1) * (2 * beta_s_mean * kappa_inf) if approx == "order2": beta_s_square_mean = z_src[1] # Taylor expansion with up to second-order terms mu_bias += (alpha - 1) * (beta_s_square_mean * gammat_inf**2) + ( 2 * alpha - 1 ) * (alpha - 1) * beta_s_square_mean * kappa_inf**2 return mu_bias
[docs] def eval_rdelta(self, z_cl): r"""Retrieves the radius for mdelta .. math:: r_\Delta=\left(\frac{3 M_\Delta}{4 \pi \Delta \rho_{bkg}(z)}\right)^{1/3} Parameters ---------- z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster Returns ------- float Radius in :math:`M\!pc`. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) return self._eval_rdelta(z_cl)
[docs] def eval_mass_in_radius(self, r3d, z_cl, verbose=False): r"""Computes the mass inside a given radius of the profile. The mass is calculated as .. math:: M(<\text{r3d}) = M_{\Delta}\; \frac{f\left(\frac{\text{r3d}}{r_{\Delta}/c_{\Delta}}\right)}{f(c_{\Delta})}, where :math:`f(x)` for the different models are NFW: .. math:: \quad \ln(1+x)-\frac{x}{1+x} Einasto: (:math:`\gamma` is the lower incomplete gamma function) .. math:: \gamma(\frac{3}{\alpha}, \frac{2}{\alpha}x^{\alpha}) Hernquist: .. math:: \left(\frac{x}{1+x}\right)^2 Parameters ---------- r3d : array_like, float Radial position from the cluster center in :math:`M\!pc`. z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster Returns ------- numpy.ndarray, float Mass in units of :math:`M_\odot` """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "r3d", "float_array", argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha (in) = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") return self._eval_mass_in_radius(r3d, z_cl)
[docs] def convert_mass_concentration( self, z_cl, massdef=None, delta_mdef=None, halo_profile_model=None, alpha=None, verbose=False, ): r"""Converts current mass and concentration to the values for a different model. Parameters ---------- z_cl: float Redshift of the cluster massdef : str, None Profile mass definition to convert to ("mean", "critical", "virial"). If None, same value of current model is used. delta_mdef : int, None Mass overdensity definition to convert to. If None, same value of current model is used. halo_profile_model : str, None Profile model parameterization to convert to ("nfw", "einasto", "hernquist"). If None, same value of current model is used. alpha : float, None Einasto slope to convert to when `halo_profile_model='einasto'`. If None, same value of current model is used. Returns ------- float Mass of different model in units of :math:`M_\odot`. float Concentration of different model. """ if self.validate_input: validate_argument(locals(), "z_cl", float, argmin=0) validate_argument(locals(), "massdef", str, none_ok=True) validate_argument(locals(), "delta_mdef", int, argmin=0, none_ok=True) validate_argument(locals(), "halo_profile_model", str, none_ok=True) validate_argument(locals(), "alpha", "float_array", none_ok=True) if self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and verbose: print(f"Einasto alpha (in) = {self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl)}") if ( halo_profile_model == "einasto" or (self.halo_profile_model == "einasto" and halo_profile_model is None) ) and verbose: print( "Einasto alpha (out) = " f"{self._get_einasto_alpha(z_cl=z_cl) if alpha is None else alpha}" ) return self._convert_mass_concentration( z_cl, massdef, delta_mdef, halo_profile_model, alpha )
def _validate_z_src(self, loc_dict): r"""Validation for z_src according to z_src_info. The conditions are: * z_src_info='discrete' : z_src must be array or float. * z_src_info='distribution' : z_src must be a one dimentional function. * z_src_info='beta' : z_src must be a tuple containing ( :math:`\langle \beta_s \rangle, \langle \beta_s^2 \rangle`). Parameters ---------- locals_dict: dict Should be the call locals() """ if loc_dict["z_src_info"] == "discrete": validate_argument(loc_dict, "z_src", "float_array", argmin=0) elif loc_dict["z_src_info"] == "distribution": validate_argument(loc_dict, "z_src", "function", none_ok=False) integ_kwargs = {} if loc_dict["integ_kwargs"] is None else loc_dict["integ_kwargs"] _def_keys = ["zmin", "zmax", "delta_z_cut"] if any(key not in _def_keys for key in integ_kwargs): raise KeyError( f"integ_kwargs must contain only {_def_keys} keys, " f" {integ_kwargs.keys()} provided." ) elif loc_dict["z_src_info"] == "beta": validate_argument(loc_dict, "z_src", "array") beta_info = { "beta_s_mean": loc_dict["z_src"][0], "beta_s_square_mean": loc_dict["z_src"][1], } validate_argument(beta_info, "beta_s_mean", "float_array") validate_argument(beta_info, "beta_s_square_mean", "float_array") else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported z_src_info (='{loc_dict['z_src_info']}')") def _validate_approx_z_src_info(self, loc_dict): r"""Validation for compatility between approx and z_src_info. The conditions are: * approx=None: z_src_info must be 'discrete' or 'distribution' * approx='order1' or 'order2': z_src_info must be 'beta' * approx=other: raises error Parameters ---------- locals_dict: dict Should be the call locals() """ # check compatility between approx and z_src_info z_src_info, approx = loc_dict["z_src_info"], loc_dict["approx"] if approx is None: if z_src_info not in ("discrete", "distribution"): raise ValueError( "approx=None requires z_src_info='discrete' or 'distribution'," f" z_src_info='{z_src_info}' was provided." ) elif approx in ("order1", "order2"): if z_src_info != "beta": raise ValueError( f"approx='{approx}' requires z_src_info='beta', " f"z_src_info='{z_src_info}' was provided." ) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported approx (='{approx}')")